Paygate interface
Format Description a alphabetical as alphabetical with special characters n numeric an alphanumeric ans alphanumeric with special characters ns numeric with special characters bool boolean expression (true or false) 3 fixed length with 3 digits/characters ..3 variable length with maximum 3 digits/characters enum enumeration of allowed values dttm ISODateTime (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) Abbreviation Description CND condition M mandatory O optional C conditional Notice: Please note that the names of parameters can be returned in upper or lower case.Definitions
Data formats
Comment If a parameter is mandatory, then it must be present If a parameter is optional, then it can be present, but it is not required If a parameter is conditional, then there is a conditional rule which specifies whether it is mandatory or optional
Payment with Skrill via form interface
To make a Skrill payment via PPRO over a Paygate form, please use the following URL: |
Notice: For security reasons, Computop Paygate rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter. The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:
Parameters for payments with Skrill (Moneybookers)
The following table gives the result parameters which Computop Paygate transmits to URLSuccess or URLFailure and URLNotify. If you have specified the Response=encrypt parameter, the following parameters are sent Blowfish encrypted to your system: pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters the key (e.g. mid, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive
Return parameters for URLSuccess, URLFailure and URLNotify with Skrill (MoneyBookers)
Credit with reference
Credits (refunds) are possible via a Server-to-Server connection. For a Credit with reference to a capture the amount of the Credit is limited to the amount of the previous capture. To carry out a credit with a reference transaction, please use the following URL: |
Notice: For security reasons, Computop Paygate rejects all payment requests with formatting errors. Therefore, please use the correct data type for each parameter. The following table describes the encrypted payment request parameters:
Parameters for credit payments with Skrill via socket connection
The following table describes the result parameters with which the Computop Paygate responds to your system pls. be prepared to receive additional parameters at any time and do not check the order of parameters the key (e.g. mid, RefNr) should not be checked case-sentive
Response parameters for credit payments with Skrill via socket connection
Batch processing via the interface
Basic information about using Batch files and about their structure can be found in the Batch Manager manual. Within batch processing not alle functions are available which are usually available for the online interface.
This section describes the parameters which must be transferred within the data set (Record) for executing credits with Skrill and which information can be found within the response file about the payment status.
Following table gives an overview of all batch versions that are possible for a specific action and their specialities:
Description of the possible batch versions
The structure for a Skrill payment within a Batch file to be submitted is the following:
HEAD,<MerchantID>,<Date>,<Version> SKRILL,Credit,<Amount>,<Currency>,<TransID>,(<RefNr>,)<PayID> FOOT,<CountRecords>,<SumAmount>
Example for Master MID function:
HEAD,[Master]MerchantID,Date,2.x Type,Action,[Slave]MID,Amount,Currency,TransID,Data (depends on Action) FOOT,CountRecords,SumAmount
Description of fields within the record for Batch files
The record area within the response file for Batch transactions looks the following way:
HEAD,<MerchantID>,<Date>,<Version> SKRILL,Credit,<Amount>,<Currency>,<TransID>,(<RefNr>,)<PayID>,<Status>,<Code> FOOT,<CountRecords>,<SumAmount>
Description of result parameters within the record for Batch files