Common notes on Paygate error codes

Computop Paygate error codes in general have 8 digits and are coded (i.e.: they consist of digits 0..9 and characters A..Z) in this format: AN8,  (NNNNAAAA), e.g. 22060203 or 2206014H.

The structure of the error codes is always:

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.


Digit 1

Indicates status code / error codeZeigt den Statuscode / Fehlercode an22
Digit 2 .. 4Indicates affected moduleZeigt das betroffene Modul an206 206
Position 5 .. 8Indicates affected parameter causing the error

Zeigt den betroffenen Parameter an, der den Fehler verursacht

0203 or 014H0203 or 014H

Digits 1: Status code or error code

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

Digit 1MeaningBedeutungDescriptionBeschreibung


OKTransaction successful, other digits may indicate further informationOperation erfolgreich abgeschlossen


FehlerTransaction failed, other digits may indicate further informationOperation gescheitert

Fatal Error

Fataler FehlerTransaction failed, other digits may indicate further information, e.g. mandatory parameter is missingOperation gescheitert und verarbeitete Daten möglicherweise verloren

Continue / Transient

Temporärer Status

Transaction pending. Final status will be sent asynchronously when available

Operation ist nicht abgeschlossen. Der endgültige Status wird asynchron übertragen.


EMV 3DS Info

EMV 3DS InfoIntermediate states in the EMV 3-D Secure sequenceZwischenzustände in der EMV 3-D Secure Sequenz

Digits 2..4: Common modules

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

Digit 2..4DescriptionBeschreibung

Paygate cryptography (encrypting, decrypting)

Paygate-Kryptographie (Ver- und Entschlüsselung)

010Parameter is missingParameter fehlt
011Parameter error in formatParameter Formatfehler
012Parameter is invalidParameter ist nicht erlaubt
013Parameter is too shortParameter ist zu kurz
014Parameter is too longParameter ist zu lang
015Parameter value is missingParameter Wert fehlt
016Parameter value unknown or not allowedParameter Wert unbekannt oder nicht erlaubt
017Parameter is already presentParameter ist bereits angegeben
018Parameter is expired or not valid any moreParameter ist abgelaufen oder nicht mehr gültig
019Parameter is not allowed for current message versionParameter ist nicht erlaubt für aktuelle Message-Version
020 - 0FF

Paygate internal

Paygate intern

100 - FFFAffected moduleBetroffenes Modul

Digits 2..4: Module overview

(warning) Please note that some modules may be deprecated or still under development. This list is only a reference for used module IDs.

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

100Credit & Debit Cardscredit card / debit card: Common codesKredit- & Debitkartencredit card / debit card: Common codes
101Credit & Debit Cardscredit card / debit card: ATOS/WorldlineKredit- & Debitkartencredit card / debit card: ATOS/Worldline
102Credit & Debit Cardscredit card / debit card: CofidisKredit- & Debitkartencredit card / debit card: Cofidis
105Credit & Debit Cardscredit card / debit card: easycashKredit- & Debitkartencredit card / debit card: easycash
105Credit & Debit Cardscredit card / debit card: easycashKredit- & Debitkartencredit card / debit card: easycash
105Credit & Debit Cardscredit card / debit card: easycashKredit- & Debitkartencredit card / debit card: easycash
107Credit & Debit Cardscredit card / debit card: NetsKredit- & Debitkartencredit card / debit card: Nets
108Credit & Debit Cardscredit card / debit card: CIALKredit- & Debitkartencredit card / debit card: CIAL
109Credit & Debit Cardscredit card / debit card: EVO PaymentsKredit- & Debitkartencredit card / debit card: EVO Payments
110Direct DebitDirect Debit EBICSDirect Debit / LastschriftDirect Debit / Lastschrift EBICS
111Direct DebitDirect Debit via B+SDirect Debit / LastschriftDirect Debit / Lastschrift via B+S
112Direct DebitDirect Debit via easycashDirect Debit / LastschriftDirect Debit / Lastschrift via easycash
113Direct DebitDirect Debit Blacklist/OLVDirect Debit / LastschriftDirect Debit / Lastschrift Blacklist/OLV
115Online Bank TransferiDEAL directOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungiDEAL direct
116Online Bank Transfergiropay via StarfinanzOnline-/Sofort-Überweisunggiropay via Starfinanz
116Online Bank Transfergiropay via EVOOnline-/Sofort-Überweisunggiropay via EVO
117Direct DebitEDD via EVODirect Debit / LastschriftEDD via EVO
118Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via WirecardKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Wirecard
119eWalletAlipay directeWalletAlipay direct
120Credit & Debit Cards3D generalKredit- & Debitkarten3D general
121Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via ElavonKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Elavon
122Direct DebitEDD via SmartDebitDirect Debit / LastschriftEDD via SmartDebit
123Invoice & InstallmentsPaysafe Pay Later directRechnungs- & RatenkaufPaysafe Pay Later direct
123Debtor ManagementDebitorenmanagement via RealSolutionDebitorenmanagementDebitorenmanagement via RealSolution
124Credit & Debit Cardscredit card via PayPalKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via PayPal
125Invoice & InstallmentseasyCredit directRechnungs- & RatenkaufeasyCredit direct
126Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via KalixaKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Kalixa
127eWalletArvato AfterPayeWalletArvato AfterPay
129Invoice & InstallmentsConsors FinanzRechnungs- & RatenkaufConsors Finanz
130Cash-In / Bill-PaymentCashTicketBargeld / RechnungCashTicket
131PrepaidPaysafecard directPrepaidPaysafecard direct
132VoucherFaschionCheque directVoucherFaschionCheque direct
133Cash-In / Bill-PaymentPECFlash via PagBrasilBargeld / RechnungPECFlash via PagBrasil
136Direct DebitEDD via PPRODirect Debit / LastschriftEDD via PPRO
137Online Bank TransferCIMB Clicks via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungCIMB Clicks via PPRO
138Invoice & InstallmentsCetelem FullCBRechnungs- & RatenkaufCetelem FullCB
139Invoice & InstallmentsCetelem PrestoRechnungs- & RatenkaufCetelem Presto
140PrepaidCash & Go via eascashPrepaidCash & Go via eascash
141eWalletAndroid Pay directeWalletAndroid Pay direct
144eWalletBitnet directeWalletBitnet direct
150eWalletPayPal directeWalletPayPal direct
151Invoice & InstallmentsBillsafe directRechnungs- & RatenkaufBillsafe direct
152Invoice & InstallmentsBillpay directRechnungs- & RatenkaufBillpay direct
153eWalletAmazon PaymentseWalletAmazon Payments
154eWalletYapital directeWalletYapital direct
155Online Bank TransferTrustly directOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungTrustly direct
156Invoice & InstallmentsPayByBill directRechnungs- & RatenkaufPayByBill direct
157Cash-In / Bill-PaymentBarzahlen directBargeld / RechnungBarzahlen direct
158Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via PagBrasilKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via PagBrasil
159eWalletiPay directeWalletiPay direct
160Invoice & InstallmentsPaymorrow directRechnungs- & RatenkaufPaymorrow direct
161Cash-In / Bill-PaymentBoleto Bancário via PagBrasilBargeld / RechnungBoleto Bancário via PagBrasil
162Online Bank TransferOBT via PagBrasilOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungOBT via PagBrasil
163Risk ManagementRiskIdentRisiko-ManagementRiskIdent
164Risk ManagementIovationRisiko-ManagementIovation
165eWalletMobilePay by Danske BankeWalletMobilePay by Danske Bank
166eWalletPayU India CheckouteWalletPayU India Checkout
167Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via PayU IndiaKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via PayU India
168eWalletAsiapay CheckouteWalletAsiapay Checkout
169eWalletApplePay directeWalletApplePay direct
170Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via PayUKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via PayU
171eWalletPayU WebCheckouteWalletPayU WebCheckout
172Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via PayU AfricaKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via PayU Africa
173eWalletPayU Africa Web CheckouteWalletPayU Africa Web Checkout
174Credit & Debit CardsTank und Flottenkarten via TotalKredit- & DebitkartenTank und Flottenkarten via Total
175Credit & Debit CardsDynamic Curency ConversionKredit- & DebitkartenDynamic Curency Conversion
176Credit & Debit CardseNett Virtual Account NumbersKredit- & DebitkarteneNett Virtual Account Numbers
177eWalletSwish mobile paymentseWalletSwish mobile payments
178Online Bank TransfereNets via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungeNets via PPRO
181Risk ManagementSchufa ident directRisiko-ManagementSchufa ident direct
182Risk ManagementBoniversum directRisiko-ManagementBoniversum direct
183Cash-In / Bill-PaymentIndonesia ATM via PPROBargeld / RechnungIndonesia ATM via PPRO
184Online Bank TransferMyClear FPX via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungMyClear FPX via PPRO
187Invoice & InstallmentsKlarna directRechnungs- & RatenkaufKlarna direct
188Risk ManagementCRIF directRisiko-ManagementCRIF direct
189Invoice & InstallmentsRatepay directRechnungs- & RatenkaufRatepay direct
192Online Bank TransferSofortüberseisung directOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungSofortüberweisung direct
193Online Bank TransferEPS directOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungEPS direct
194Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via Chase PaymentechKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Chase Paymentech
197Risk ManagementBürgel directRisiko-ManagementBürgel direct
198eWalletPayU directeWalletPayU direct
199Direct DebitEDD via IntercardDirect Debit / LastschriftEDD via Intercard
201Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via APACSKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via APACS
203Online Bank TransferRHB Bank via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungRHB Bank via PPRO
204Cash-In / Bill-Payment7-ElevenBargeld / Rechnung7-Eleven
205Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via GICCKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via GICC
206Credit & Debit Cards3D credit card via GICCKredit- & Debitkarten3D Kreditkarte via GICC
207Credit & Debit Cards3D credit card via GICCKredit- & Debitkarten3D Kreditkarte via GICC
208Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via GP/EMSKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via GP/EMS
209Credit & Debit Cards3D credit card via GP/EMSKredit- & Debitkarten3D Kreditkarte via GP/EMS
210Credit & Debit Cards3D credit card via GP/EMSKredit- & Debitkarten3D Kreditkarte via GP/EMS
211Credit & Debit Cardscredit card vis UCSKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via UCS
212Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via iCardKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via iCard
214Credit & Debit Cards3D credit card via GICCKredit- & Debitkarten3D Kreditkarte via GICC
215Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via SnapKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Snap
216Credit & Debit Cards3D credit card via GP/EMSKredit- & Debitkarten3D Kreditkarte via GP/EMS
218Credit & Debit Cards3D credit card via GICCKredit- & Debitkarten3D Kreditkarte via GICC
219Credit & Debit Cards3D credit card via GICCKredit- & Debitkarten3D Kreditkarte via GICC
220Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via VantivKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Vantiv
221eWalletBitPay via PPROeWalletBitPay via PPRO
222Online Bank TransferDragonpay via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungDragonpay via PPRO
223Online Bank TransferMaybank2u via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungMaybank2u via PPRO
225Online Bank TransferAstroPay/Card via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungAstroPay/Card via PPRO
226Cash-In / Bill-PaymentRaberil via PPROBargeld / RechnungRaberil via PPRO
227Cash-In / Bill-PaymentRaberil Payout via PPROBargeld / RechnungRaberil Payout via PPRO
228Online Bank TransferBank Transfer via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungBank Transfer via PPRO
230Online Bank TransferiDEAL via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungiDEAL via PPRO
231Online Bank TransferPrzelewy24 via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungPrzelewy24 via PPRO
232Online Bank TransferPostfinance via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungPostfinance via PPRO
233Online Bank Transfergiropay via PPROOnline-/Sofort-Überweisunggiropay via PPRO
234Online Bank TransferSofort via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungSofort via PPRO
235PrepaidPaysafecard via PPROPrepaidPaysafecard via PPRO
237Online Bank TransferEPS via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungEPS via PPRO
238Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via Card ClearhausKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Card Clearhaus
239Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via PPROKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via PPRO
240Cash-In / Bill-PaymentTeleingreso via PPROBargeld / RechnungTeleingreso via PPRO
241eWalletSkrill via PPROeWalletSkrill via PPRO
242Direct DebitDirect Debit via PPRODirect Debit / LastschriftDirect Debit / Lastschrift via PPRO
243eWalletFasterpay via PPROeWalletFasterpay via PPRO
244Online Bank TransferPoli via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungPoli via PPRO
245eWalletQuiwi via PPROeWalletQuiwi via PPRO
246eWalletTrustpay via PPROeWalletTrustpay via PPRO
247Direct DebitDirect Debit via PPRODirect Debit / LastschriftDirect Debit / Lastschrift via PPRO
248Online Bank TransferSafetypay via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungSafetypay via PPRO
249eWalletAlipay via PPROeWalletAlipay via PPRO
250Debtors ManagementDebitorenmanagement via IDEAL GroupDebitorenmanagementDebitorenmanagement via IDEAL Group
251Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via BanksysKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Banksys
252eWalletAmazon Payments (Login and Pay) directeWalletAmazon Payments (Login and Pay) direct
253Risk ManagementBIG directRisiko-ManagementBIG direct
254Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via Be2billKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Be2bill
255Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via CredoraxKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Credorax
256Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via LimonetikKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Limonetik
257Online Bank TransferMultibanco via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungMultibanco via PPRO
258Online Bank TransferFinnland Online Bank Transfer via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungFinnland Online-/Sofort-Überweisung via PPRO
259Credit & Debit CardsBancontact via PPROKredit- & DebitkartenBancontact via PPRO

Computop China PayWizard


Computop China

261Online Bank TransferMyBank via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungMyBank via PPRO
262Credit & Debit CardsCreditCard SabadellKredit- & DebitkartenCreditCard Sabadell
263Credit & Debit CardsAmerican Express CAPNKredit- & DebitkartenAmerican Express CAPN
264eWalletKlarnaCheckout directeWalletKlarnaCheckout direct
265eWalletPostPay directeWalletPostPay direct
266Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via eCPKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via eCP
267eWalletPayU CEE CheckouteWalletPayU CEE Checkout
268Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via PayU CEEKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via PayU CEE
269Credit & Debit CardsCredit Card via SIAKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via SIA
270Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via AndersonZaksKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via AndersonZaks
271Credit & Debit CardsCredit Card via HeartlandKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Heartland
272Cash-In / Bill-PaymentPayU LatAm Cash PaymentBargeld / RechnungPayU LatAm Cash Payment
273Online Bank Transferpay direkt directOnline-/Sofort-Überweisungpay direkt direct
274Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via PayU LatAm directKredit & Debit KartenKreditkarte via PayU LatAm direct
275eWalletPayU LatAm Web CheckouteWalletPayU LatAm Web Checkout
276eWalletChinaPay directeWalletChinaPay direct
277Credit & Debit CardsTestCardKredit- & DebitkartenTestCard
278Credit & Debit Korea credit card directKredit- & Korea credit card direct
279Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via Card CompleteKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Card Complete
280Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via Chase PaymentechKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Chase Paymentech
281Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via  RBIKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via  RBI
282Credit & Debit CardsMasaPayKredit- & DebitkartenMasaPay
283Credit & Debit CardsSafeCharge directKredit- & DebitkartenSafeCharge direct
284Cash-In / Bill-PaymentBoleto via PPROCash-In / Bill-PaymentBoleto via PPRO
285Credit & Debit CardsChina UnionPay via PPROKredit- & DebitkartenChina UnionPay via PPRO
286eWalletWechat Pay via PRROeWalletWechat Pay via PRRO
287eWalletZimpler via PPROeWalletZimpler via PPRO
288Credit & Debit CardsTank und Flottenkarten via IFSF (EUROWAG)Kredit- & DebitkartenTank und Flottenkarten via IFSF (EUROWAG)
289Invoice & InstallmentsKlarna PaymentsRechnungs- & RatenkaufKlarna Payments
290Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via GirocardKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Girocard
291Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via NeptingKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via Nepting
292Credit & Debit CardsCredomaticKredit- & DebitkartenCredomatic
294Credit & Debit CardsCB2A FranceKredit- & DebitkartenCB2A Frankreich
295Credit & Debit CardsFDEKredit- & DebitkartenFDE
296Credit & Debit CardsBCMGICCKredit- & DebitkartenBCMGICC
297AccertifyAccertify Fraud ManagementAccertifyAccertify Fraud Management
298Invoice & InstallmentsFindomesticRechnungs- & RatenkaufFindomestic
299Credit & Debit CardsPayUHubCCKredit- & DebitkartenPayUHubCC
301Invoice & InstallmentsEnterpayRechnungs- & RatenkaufEnterpay
304Invoice & InstallmentsFloapayRechnungs- & RatenkaufFloapay
306Online Bank TransferInstaneaOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungInstanea
307Credit & Debit CardsDCC (Elavon)Kredit- & DebitkartenDCC (Elavon)
308Credit & Debit CardsFirst Data IPGKredit- & DebitkartenFirst Data IPG
310Credit & Debit CardsCredit card via GMO PGKredit- & DebitkartenKreditkarte via GMO PG
311eWalletClick to Pay VisaeWalletClick to Pay Visa
312CAT, Cloud Accessible TerminalCCV-TerminalsCAT, Cloud Accessible TerminalCCV-Terminals
313Credit & Debit CardsVR Payment POS NotifyKredit- & DebitkartenVR Payment POS Notify
314Cash-In / Bill-PaymentMerchant Internal Payment MethodBargeld / RechnungHändlerinterne Zahlungsmethode
315Online Bank TransferiDEAL via RabobankOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungiDEAL via Rabobank
316Credit & Debit CardsBancontact via RabobankKredit- & DebitkartenBancontact via Rabobank
318Credit & Debit CardsSplitPayKredit- & DebitkartenSplitPay
319Credit & Debit CardsFirst Data IPG Dynamic Curency ConversionKredit- & DebitkartenFirst Data IPG Dynamische Währungsumrechnung
320Direct DebitEasyCollectDirect Debit / LastschriftEasyCollect
321eWalletPagBrasil PIX PaymenteWalletPagBrasil PIX Payment
322Online Bank TransferInstant Payment via TokenIOOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungInstant Payment via TokenIO
323Debtors ManagementDebtor management via RealSolutionDebitorenmanagementDebitorenmanagement via RealSolution
324Debtors ManagementDebitorenmanagement via Riverty (Arvato)DebitorenmanagementDebitorenmanagement via Riverty (Arvato)
325Credit & Debit CardsGetNetKredit- & DebitkartenGetNet


Credit & Debit CardsFirst Data Rapid ConnectKredit- & DebitkartenFirst Data Rapid Connect


Credit & Debit CardsAGES Payment GatewayKredit- & DebitkartenAGES Payment Gateway


Invoice & InstallmentsZinia - Santander ProductRechnungs- & RatenkaufZinia - Santander Product


Invoice & InstallmentsPersonal Finance / PFConnectRechnungs- & RatenkaufPersonal Finance / PFConnect


eWalletMBWay via PRROeWalletMBWay via PRRO


eWalletUPI via PRROeWalletUPI via PRRO


Online Bank TransferDuitnow via PPROOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungDuitnow via PPRO




Value Added ServicesCustomerDataStorageValue Added ServicesCustomerDataStorage


Online Bank TransferVisa TinkOnline-/Sofort-ÜberweisungVisa Tink


eWalletPrzelewy24 REST API / P24DirecteWalletPrzelewy24 REST API / P24Direct


Credit & Debit CardsWorldPayCCKredit- & DebitkartenWorldPayCC

Digits 5..8: Detailed error code, 3-D Secure specific

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.

StatusCategoryKategorieDetail before
Detail after
2xxxxxx01014101Message received invalidEmpfangene Nachricht ungültig
2xxxxxx01024102Message version number not supportedNachrichten-Versionsnummer nicht unterstützt
2xxxxxx01034103Sent messages limit exceeded. Only used for PReqLimit gesendete Nachrichten erreicht. Nur für PReq verwendet
2xxxxxx02014201Required element missingErforderliches Element fehlt
2xxxxxx02024202Critical message extension not recognizedKritische Nachrichten-Erweiterung nicht erkannt
2xxxxxx02034203Format on one or more elements is invalid according to the specsFormat bei einem oder mehreren Elementen ist gemäß Spezifikationen ungültig
2xxxxxx02044204Duplicate data elementDoppeltes Datenelement
2xxxxxx03014301Transaction ID is not recognizedTransaktions-ID nicht erkannt
2xxxxxx03024302Data decryption failureFehler der Datenentschlüsselung
2xxxxxx03034303Access denied, invalid endpointZugriff verweigert, ungültiger Endpunkt
2xxxxxx03044304ISO code is not validISO-Code ungültig
2xxxxxx03054305Transaction data is not validTransaktionsdaten ungültig
2xxxxxx03064306Merchant category code is not valid for payment systemHändler-Kategoriecode ist für das Zahlungssystem ungültig
2xxxxxx03074307Serial number is not validSeriennummer ungültig
2xxxxxx04024402Transaction timed outZeitüberschreitung der Transaktion
2xxxxxx04034403Transient system failureKurzzeitiger Systemausfall
2xxxxxx04044404Permanent system failurePermanenter Systemausfall
2xxxxxx04054405System connection failureSystemverbindungsfehler
2xxxxxx09114911UnionPay specific error code. Present when Data fields relevance check failed (ECI value and AV appearance are inconsistent with transaction status).Spezifischer Fehlercode von UnionPay. Vorhanden, wenn die Datenfelder-Relevanzprüfung scheitert (ECI-Wert und AV-Erscheinungsbild sind inkonsistent mit dem Transaktionsstatus).
2xxxxxx09124912UnionPay specific error code. Present when duplicated transaction ID (Transaction ID should be unique for each AReq request).Spezifischer Fehlercode von UnionPay. Vorhanden bei duplizierter Transaktions-ID (Die Transaktions-ID sollte für alle AReq-Anfragen eindeutig sein).
2xxxxxx098549853DS 2.0 is not supported by this card. The merchant has to follow the fallbacl process.3DS 2.0 wird von der Karte nicht unterstützt. Der Händler muss dem Fallback-Prozess folgen.
2xxxxxx30013001Invalid parameter cardUngültiger Parameter card
2xxxxxx30023002Invalid parameter browserInfoUngültiger Parameter browserInfo
2xxxxxx30033003Invalid parameter accountInfoUngültiger Parameter accountInfo
2xxxxxx30043004Invalid parameter billToCustomerUngültiger Parameter billToCustomer
2xxxxxx30053005Invalid parameter shipToCustomerUngültiger Parameter shipToCustomer
2xxxxxx30063006Invalid parameter billingAddressUngültiger Parameter billingAddress
2xxxxxx30073007Invalid parameter shippingAddressUngültiger Parameter shippingAddress
2xxxxxx30083008Invalid parameter credentialOnFileUngültiger Parameter credentialOnFile
2xxxxxx30093009Invalid parameter merchantRiskIndicatorUngültiger Parameter merchantRiskIndicator
2xxxxxx30103010Invalid parameter threeDSPolicyUngültiger Parameter threeDSPolicy
2xxxxxx30113011Invalid parameter threeDSDataUngültiger Parameter threeDSData
7000000000000003DS 2.0 versioning successful3DS 2.0 Versionierung erfolgreich
700000000010001Authentication response --> challenge mandatedAuthentisierungs-Antwort --> Challenge vorgeschrieben

Digits 5..8: Detailed error code, common usage

Oops, it seems that you need to place a table or a macro generating a table within the Table Filter macro.


Unspecified problem which needs to be analysed manually, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0001PayidParameter Payid caused a problem
0002TransIDParameter TransID caused a problem
0003MerchantIDParameter MerchantID caused a problem
0004ReqIDParameter ReqID caused a problem



Parameter Amount caused a problem.

(info) if your payment method requires an ArticleList, please check whether the sum of these amounts matches the total amount in your request.

(info) the amount is the first parameter checked in your request. It has to be sent as numeric in the smallest currency (i.e.: 1,23 has to be sent as 123).

(info) pleases ensure that you use the correct key for blowfish-encryption for each MID; please do not mix-up blowfish-key for different MIDs (test, prod, ecom, ...)

0006CurrencyParameter Currency caused a problem
0007DataParameter Data caused a problem
0008LenParameter Len caused a problem
0009CaptureParameter Capture caused a problem

Parameter Response caused a problem

  • either "response=encrypt"
  • or do not send parameter "response"
  • check for invalid characters in value
0011OrderdescParameter Orderdesc caused a problem
0012Orderdesc2Parameter Orderdesc2 caused a problem
0013CHDescParameter CHDesc caused a problem
0014PlainParameter Plain caused a problem
0015CCNrParameter CCNr caused a problem
0016CCNrParameter CCNr caused a problem
0017CCExpiryParameter CCExpiry caused a problem
0018CCBrandParameter CCBrand caused a problem
0019CCCVCParameter CCCVC caused a problem
0020INVALID PARAM: URLSUCCESSParameter URLSUCCESS caused a problem
0021INVALID PARAM: URLFAILUREParameter URLFAILURE caused a problem
0022INVALID PARAM: URLNOTIFYParameter URLNOTIFY caused a problem
0023AccownerParameter Accowner caused a problem
0024AccNrParameter AccNr caused a problem
0025AccBankParameter AccBank caused a problem
0026AccIBANParameter AccIBAN caused a problem
0027AccIBANListParameter AccIBANList caused a problem
0028PAResParameter PARes caused a problem
0029MobileNoParameter MobileNo caused a problem
002ALastname/ NameParameter Lastname/ Name caused a problem
002BAddrStreetNr/ HNoParameter AddrStreetNr/ HNo caused a problem
002CEMailParameter EMail caused a problem
002DTaxAmountParameter TaxAmount caused a problem
002EArticleListParameter ArticleList caused a problem
0030MobileNetParameter MobileNet caused a problem
0031insStatusParameter insStatus caused a problem
0032RefNrParameter RefNr caused a problem
0033ZoneParameter Zone caused a problem
0034TransURLParameter TransURL caused a problem
0035Textfeld1Parameter Textfeld1 caused a problem
0036Textfeld2Parameter Textfeld2 caused a problem
0037FirstnameParameter Firstname caused a problem
0038genderParameter gender caused a problem
0039birthdateParameter birthdate caused a problem
003AAddrStreet/ StraßeParameter AddrStreet/ Straße caused a problem
003BAddrZip/ PLZParameter AddrZip/ PLZ caused a problem
003CAddrCity/ OrtParameter AddrCity/ Ort caused a problem
003DInvalid IP adressParameter Invalid IP adress caused a problem
003ERequestIDParameter RequestID caused a problem
003FAmount3dParameter Amount3d caused a problem
0040No ResponseBackend systems (e.g. acquiring, card schemes or payment schemes API) was not responding.
0041StartdateParameter Startdate caused a problem
0042EnddateParameter Enddate caused a problem
0043MerchantIDExtParameter MerchantIDExt caused a problem



Parameter MAC caused a problem.

(info) Please use only digits and capital letters in MAC value - small letters are not allowed

(info) Please find details on MAC-calculation here:

0045Merchant BusyOverload of the merchant account. 
0046No TID availableNo terminal ID available for incoming transaction.
0047Missing TIDThe necessary TerminalID was missing. 
0048Missing VuNrThe merchant number with the acquiring bank was missing. 
0049expirationTimeParameter expirationTime caused a problem

Bank Identifier (BIC) caused a problem


Bankcode does not match IBAN

0050System Error

The Paygate or backend systems transmitted a system error. 

0051Timeout / Request timed outProcessing error due to timeout. 
0052Communication ErrorProcessing error due to communication problems. 
0053Cancel by UserProcessing aborted by user. 
0054ReversalThe reversal of a transaction caused an error. 

Unknown problem which needs to be analysed manually, please contact Computop Helpdesk.


The individual timeout between Paygate and merchant system was exceeded (NVAG).

0057Credit agenciesParameter Credit agencies caused a problem
0058IssuerIDParameter IssuerID caused a problem
0059AccountParameter Account caused a problem
0060Not active

The transmitted transaction type was not activated for the merchant account, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0061Not foundThe payment could not be found due to an erroneous PAYID. 
0062Other transaction activeAnother transaction step was pending and therefore blocking the requested transaction. 
0063Not allowedThe transaction was not allowed.
0064splitting active

For enhanced transaction management only: the Paygate was carrying out an authorisation after a partial capture and could therefore not process the requested transaction. 

0065capture active

For enhanced transaction management only: the Paygate was carrying out an a capture transaction and could therefore not process the requested transaction. 

0066credit active

For enhanced transaction management only: the Paygate was carrying out an a credit (refund) transaction and could therefore not process the requested transaction. 

0067OvercaptureOvercapture not allowed, it's not allowed to capture higher amount than authorized
0068Already AuthorizedThe payment has already been authorised.
0069Nothing capturedThe capture was not processed due to a lacking prior authorisation.

The capture was not processed due to an amount lower than the minimum value (for individual minvalues, please contact our Computop Helpdesk).

0071DisabledThe requested function was deactivated, e.g. captures during the test phase. 
0072Already capturedThe capture has already been carried out and could not be repeated. 
0073AbortedThe transaction was aborted. 
0074Amount overrideThe capture amount was higher than the admitted amount which was linked to the prior authorisation.
0075Nothing authorizedAuthorisation missing. 
0076Capture abort impossibleThe capture was being processed (Capture_Request, Capture_Waiting) and therefore could not be aborted. 
0077No valid paymethod found

The requested payment type was not activated for the merchant account, please contact Computop Helpdesk

0078Paymethod invalidThe requested payment type was not supported for the payment method.
0079ValidationURLParameter ValidationURL caused a problem
0080Paymethod not supportedThe requested payment type was not supported for the payment method.
0081Action not supportedThe payment method did not support the requested paytype (e.g. Capture for GeldKarte)
0082Invalid paymethodThe requested payment type was not supported for the payment method.
0083System errorSystem error.
0084MobileNo invalidThe mobile number was invalid.
0085ChannelParameter Channel caused a problem
0086SellingPointParameter SellingPoint caused a problem
0087ServiceParameter Service caused a problem
0088AccBankCityParameter AccBankCity caused a problem
0089BankCodeParameter BankCode caused a problem
00903DSecure SetValue failedInitialization of the Merchant Plugin for Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode has failed.
0091Not enrolledCustomer’s credit card number was not activated for Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode.
0092No PaResponseParameter PAResponse was not transmitted to Direct3D.aspx.
0093No JavaScriptCustomer’s browser did not support JavaScript which is necessary for Verified by Visa and SecureCode.
0094Expiry date run outCard expired.
0095Unable to authenticateCard is ineligible for 3D Secure
0096Non-ParticipationCustomer’s credit card number was not activated for Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode.
0097Verification errorDuring VerifyEnrollment an error has occurred
0098PaymentAuthenication errorDuring authentication an error has occurred
0099XIDParameter XID caused a problem

The issuing bank refused the payment.

Instanea: Declined by bank due to “Invalid authorization code"

0101DisabledThe transaction type was disabled and could not be processed.
0102Invalid card numberInvalid card number.
0103Call issuerIssuer refused payment, please call the issuer.
0104declined by BlackList The transmitted credit or debit card was listed in the merchant blacklist and was therefore rejected. 
0105Amex AVS no matchTransmitted data did not match American Express data (address verification). 
0106CardNumberParameter CardNumber caused a problem
0107VerificationCodeParameter VerificationCode caused a problem
0108OperatorIDParameter OperatorID caused a problem
0110ExpiredCard expired.
0111Brand not supportedSelected credit card brand was not supported.
0112AuthLabelParameter AuthLabel caused a problem
0113AuthTokenParameter AuthToken caused a problem
0114ExpiryDateParameter ExpiryDate caused a problem
0115AuthCodeParameter AuthCode caused a problem
0116TotalParameter Total caused a problem
0117InvoiceListParameter InvoiceList caused a problem
0118Revocation of Authorization OrderThe cardholder requested to stop all recurring payment transactions for this order/payment
0119Revocation of All Authorization OrderThe cardholder requested to stop all recurring payment transactions for the merchant.
011ADECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the IP-Checks within Securepay (max. number per day).
011BDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the Card-Checks within Securepay (max. number per day).
011CDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the amount check combined with IP-checks within Securepay (max. number per day).
011DDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the amount check combined with IP-checks within Securepay (max. number per day).
011EDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the parameter checks (identical reference number and/or TransID) within Securepay (limit per day).
011FDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the card/IP check within Securepay (limit per day).
011GDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the  DeviceID-Check within Securepay (limit per day).
011HDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the  DeviceID/Card-Check within Securepay (limit per day).
011IDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the  DeviceID/IP-Check within Securepay (limit per day).
0120Pick up cardPick up the used invalid card (POS).
0121Issuer not reachableIssuing bank was temporarily unavailable.
0122CCBinParameter CCBin caused a problem


The cardholder requested to stop a specific, single recurring payment transaction.
012ADECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the IP check within Securepay (maximum number per week).
012BDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the card check within Securepay (maximum number per week).
012CDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the amount check combined with IP-check within Securepay (maximum number per week).
012DDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the amount check combined with card-check within Securepay (limit per week).
012EDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the parameter check (identical reference number and/or TransID) within Securepay (limit per week).
012FDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the card/IP-check within Securepay (limit per week).
012GDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the  DeviceID-Check within Securepay (limit per week).
012HDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the  DeviceID/Card-Check within Securepay (limit per week).
012IDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the  DeviceID/IP-Check within Securepay (limit per week).
0130PCNR mismatchThe transmitted pseudo card number was invalid.
0131PBAN MISMATCHThe transmitted PBAN was invalid.
0132TermParameter Term caused a problem
0133EmploymentParameter Employment caused a problem
0134MonthlyNetIncomeParameter MonthlyNetIncome caused a problem
0135PackingStationParameter PackingStation caused a problem
0136PlaceOfBirthParameter PlaceOfBirth caused a problem
0137CustomerStatusParameter CustomerStatus caused a problem
0138CustomerSinceParameter CustomerSince caused a problem
0139CustomerLoggedInParameter CustomerLoggedIn caused a problem
013ADECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the IP-check within Securepay (limit per month).
013BDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the card check within Securepay (limit per month).
013CDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the amount check combined with the IP-check within Securepay (limit per month).
013DDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the amount check combined with the card-check within Securepay (limit per month).
013EDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the parameter check (identical reference number and/or TransID) within Securepay (limit per month).
013FDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the card/IP-check within Securepay (limit per month).
013GDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the  DeviceID-Check within Securepay (limit per month).
013HDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the  DeviceID/Card-Check within Securepay (limit per month).
013IDECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the  DeviceID/IP-Check within Securepay (limit per month).
0140Person MismatchThe requested person differed in the parameters birthdate or address (Schufa interface only).
0141NumberArticlesParameter NumberArticles caused a problem
0142NumberOrdersParameter NumberOrders caused a problem
0143NegativePaymentInfoParameter NegativePaymentInfo caused a problem
0144RiskArticlesParameter RiskArticles caused a problem
0145DateParameter Date caused a problem
0146OrderParameter Order caused a problem
0147CustomerRiskParameter CustomerRisk caused a problem
0148CaptureInfoParameter CaptureInfo caused a problem
014ADECLINED BY SECUREPAYPayment rejected as the IP-address is blocked temporarily due to the settings within Securepay. You can unblock the IP-address via the Securepay settings in Analytics.
014BDECLINED BY SECUREPAYPayment rejected as the card number is blocked temporarily due to the settings within Securepay. You can unblock the card within the Securepay settings in Analytics.
014CDECLINED BY SECUREPAYPayment rejected as the IP-address is blocked temporarily due to the settings within Securepay (amount limit exceeded). You can unblock the IP-address within the Securepay settings in Analytics.
014DDECLINED BY SECUREPAYPayment rejected as the card is blocked temporarily due to the settings within Securepay (amount limit exceeded). You can unblock the card within the Securepay settings in Analytics.
014EDECLINED BY SECUREPAYPayment rejected as the parameter value is blocked temporarily due to the settings within Securepay (limit exceeded). You can unblock the parameter value within the Securepay settings in Analytics.
014FDECLINED BY SECUREPAYPayment rejected as the IP address is blocked temporarily due to the settings within Securepay (limit of cards from identical IP-address exceeded). You can unblock the IP-address within the Securepay settings in Analytics.
014GDECLINED BY SECUREPAYPayment rejected due to the settings of the DeviceID-Check within Securepay
014HDECLINED BY SECUREPAYPayment rejected due to the settings of the DeviceID/Card-Check within Securepay
014IDECLINED BY SECUREPAYPayment rejected due to the settings of the DeviceID/IP-Check within Securepay
0153CANCELED, UPDATE CUSTOMER DATAProcessing aborted by user with reason to update customer profile data stored with the merchant
0161DECLINED BY FRAUDPayment rejected due to the settings of the IP-check within Securepay (limit per hour)
0162DECLINED BY FRAUD Payment rejected due to the settings of the card -check within Securepay (limit per hour)
0163DECLINED BY FRAUD Payment rejected due to the settings of the amount-check combined with the IP-check within Securepay (limit per hour)
0164DECLINED BY FRAUD Payment rejected due to the settings of the amount-check combined with the card-check within Securepay (limit per hour)
0165DECLINED BY FRAUD Payment rejected due to the settings of the parameter-check (identical reference number and/or TransID) within Securepay (limit per hour)
0166DECLINED BY FRAUD Payment rejected due to the settings of the card/IP-check check within Securepay (limit per hour)
0167DECLINED BY FRAUD Payment rejected due to the settings of the DeviceID-Check within Securepay (limit per hour)
0168DECLINED BY FRAUD Payment rejected due to the settings of the DeviceID/Card-Check within Securepay (limit per hour)
0169DECLINED BY FRAUD Payment rejected due to the settings of the DeviceID/IP-Check within Securepay (limit per hour)
0170Declined by WhitelistCard/BIN was not part of whitelist and therefore rejected
0190Zone mismatchThe transmitted shipping country did not match the issuing country of the credit card.
0191IP Zone mismatchThe customer was using an IP-address which was not part of your individual country list. 
0192IP CCOrigin mismatchThe customer was using an IP-address which did not match the credit card's issuing country.
0193IP Tracking ErrorError while analysing the customer's IP-address. 
0194IP IBAN ORIGIN MISMATCHThe country of the IP-address does not match the country of the IBAN.
0200Authentication failedAuthentication via Verified by Visa and/or MasterCard SecureCode failed.
0201signature failedAuthentication via Verified by Visa and/or MasterCard SecureCode failed.
0202Bypass processing disabledBypass processing disabled
0203Brand does not support 3D SecureCard brand not participating in 3D secure.
020ABYPASSEDAuthenticate was skipped upon Cardinal Commerce recommendation
0301Missing ResponseBanking data centre's response was incomplete. 
0302Declined, authorization via telephone possiblePayment rejected.
0303Invalid VU numberSystem error within the banking data centre.
0304Card not allowedThe used card was not allowed. 
0305Rejected by authorization system

The authorisation system rejected the card authorisation: for data security reasons, further detailed information is not transmitted to the Paygate and only known by the issuing bank.

0306FileTransfer wrongWrong file transfer or sequence number.
0307unable to convert account dataThe account data couldn't converted by InterCard. (NoResponse or invalid account data)
0309Delayed processing of authorisationPoint of Sale: transaction failed.
0312Transaction invalidInvalid transaction, e.g. due to a wrong currency.
0313Limit exceededThe limit has been exceeded.
0314Card invalidThe card was invalid.
0321Initial transaction could not be foundSystem error within the banking data centre.
0324Filetransfer not supportedPoint of Sale: transaction failed.
0329Filetransfer not successfulPoint of Sale: transaction failed.
0330wrong format

System error within the banking data centre.

CB2A: Authenfication error

0331Issuer invalidIssuer invalid/not allowed. 
0333Expiry date run outExpiry date of the card run out.
0334possible fraudPotentially fraudulent payment.
0340Action not supportedPayment rejected due to a system error within the banking data centre.
0341Card lost, pick up card.Card lost, pick up card.
0343Card stolen, pick up card.Card stolen, pick up card.
0344Decline for CVV2 failureDecline for CVV2 failure
0349Wrong currencyWrong currency transmitted to API.
0350Double authorizationThere has been a double authorisation.
0351Card limit exceeded, payment although possibleCard limit exceeded. 
0352Account not found or inexistantPoint of Sale: Account not found or inexistant
0354ec-Chip invalidThe used chip card was invalid.
0355PIN incorrectThe used PIN is invalid. 
0356Card invalidThe used card is invalid/not allowed. 
0357Initial transaction could not be foundSystem error within the banking data centre.
0358Internal error / Transaction not allowedSystem error within the banking data centre / Transaction failed, Transaction not allowed
0359Possible fraudPotentially fraudulent payment.
0361Card blocked due to black listCard blocked in local blacklist.
0362Card blockedCard blocked. 
0364Transaction amount not equal to reference transactionPoint of Sale: Transaction amount not equal to reference transaction
0365Limit of transaction frequency exceededPoint of Sale: Limit of transaction frequency exceeded


Soft decline

Payment has been declined but may be retried with additional customer authentication

  • eCommerce: retry with 3-D Secure authentication
  • POS/Terminal: Contactless request declined - retry in contact mode
0367Withdraw cardTransaction failed, Withdraw card
0368System not responding, TimeoutPoint of Sale: System not responding, Timeout
0375Maloperation counter within AS lapsedPoint of Sale: Maloperation counter within AS lapsed
0376Wrong indexSystem error within the banking data centre.
0377PIN has to be entered / error in BMP62Point of Sale: PIN has to be entered / error in BMP62
0378Sequence error in BMP62 / transaction system can not be accessedPoint of Sale: Sequence error in BMP62 / transaction system can not be accessed
0379Database could not be accessedPoint of Sale: Database could not be accessed
0380Requested amount exceeds limitPoint of Sale: Requested amount exceeds limit
0381Initialization corruptedPoint of Sale: Initialization corrupted
0382(pre-) initialization not possiblePoint of Sale: (pre-) initialization not possible
0383PIN-Pad-exchange not possiblePIN-Pad-Change not possible (POS only).
0385declined by issuerPayment rejected by issuing bank.
0386Master data invalid, ZKA-No. wrongSystem error within the banking data centre.
0387Terminal unknownSystem error within the banking data centre.
0388PIN not activePoint of Sale: PIN not active
0389Wrong CRCPoint of Sale: Wrong CRC
0391Issuer unavailableIssuing bank or bank network was temporarily unavailable.
0392Authorization system detected a wrong routingSystem error within the banking data centre.
0393TX CANT COMPLETETransaction Cannot Be Completed - Violation of Law
0396processing not possibleProcessing was not possible temporarily.
0397encryption errorSystem error within the banking data centre.
0398Date/Time mismatch, wrong Trace-No.System error within the banking data centre: either date/time stamp was erraneous or trace number was not ascending.
0399unknownSystem error within the banking data centre.
0400Mobile number unknownThe used telephone number was not a prepaid phone number.
0401DeclinedTopping up of the prepaid card was not possible temporarily.
0402DeclinedTopping up of the prepaid card was not possible temporarily.
0403Chargelimit reachedMaximum topping up amount was reached.
0404Charging blockedCharging was blocked. Credit card was not charged.
0405Internal authorization system errorCharging was blocked. Credit card was not charged.
0406Authorization system internal connection errorCharging was blocked. Credit card was not charged.
0407Internal authorization system errorCharging was blocked. Credit card was not charged.
0408Mobile number unknown or not foundThe phone number was not a valid prepaid number.
0409System errorCharging was blocked. Credit card was not charged.
040ASystem errorCharging was blocked. Credit card was not charged.
040BInternal authorization system errorCharging was blocked. Credit card was not charged.
0410Invalid amountThe transmitted topping up amount was invalid.
0411Charging status unknown, call back (T-Mobile)The status of topping up was unknown: please contact T-Mobile.
0412Charging status unknown, call back (Vodafone)The status of topping up was unknown: please contact Vodafone.
0413Call GZS hotline: Code-Nr 01The status of topping up was unknown: please contact easycash.
0414Invalid VU number

The merchant number of your acquiring agreement was invalid, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0415Cashback not possibleTransaction failed, Cashback not possible
0500Invalidthe combination banking code and bank account number was invalid.
0501Missing fileThe file for bank code checks was unavailable.
0502Bank account check (KontoCheck) errorSystem error while checking the bank code.
0510olv check failedDirect Debit rejected.
0600Invalid IDCredit rejected - initial transaction could not be found.
0650ShopID not transferred

The configuration of the payment method has not been finished, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0651ShopID unknown

The configuration of the payment method has not been finished, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0652Customer ID not transferred

The configuration of the payment method has not been finished, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0653Customer ID unknown

The configuration of the payment method has not been finished, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0654Shop-password not transferred

The configuration of the payment method has not been finished, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0655Shop-password unknown

The configuration of the payment method has not been finished, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0656Missing TransType

The configuration of the payment method has not been finished, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0657Invalid TransType

The configuration of the payment method has not been finished, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0658TransType Not Allowed

The configuration of the payment method has not been finished, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0659Merchant is not enabled for TRA by acquirer.

Merchant is asking for "exemptionReason": "transactionRiskAnalysis" in threeDSPolicy. This has to be allowed by the acquirer and setup by Computop Helpdesk.

0664Invalid Banking AccountOnline bank transfer: invalid account number.
0665Invalid OrderNo

The configuration of the payment method has not been finished, please contact Computop Helpdesk.

0670BLZVThe parameter BLZV caused the problem.
0702InvalidValidation error.
0703User CanceledUser cancelled.
0705result uncertainThe definite payment status could not be transmitted.
0709indoubtThe backend system has not confirmed the transaction yet
0710The status of the banking data centre is unknown.The backend system rejected the transaction. 
0720Invalid HashWrong length or format of the Hash key.
0721Incorrect HashWrong calculation of the Hash key.
0722User UnknownUser unknown by Schufa.
0723Invalid userUser aborted process and was unknown.
0777Request / Response mismatchCredit- or debit card payment rejected due to error within the banking data centre.
0801Certificate/Signature errorAuthentication failed due to certificate error (Schufa).
0802Certificate/Signature missingAuthentication failed due to certificate error (Schufa).
0803too many requestsAuthentication failed due to exceeded amount of parallel requests.
0804Communication to host disturbedCommunication error with Schufa.
0805Host not reachableCommunication error with Schufa.
0806Host overloadedCommunication error with Schufa.
0807Field value missing or invalidTransaction failed, Field value missing or invalid
0808Access deniedAuthentisierung failed (Schufa).
0809Internal errorSystem error (Schufa).
0810unknownUnknown error (Schufa).
0851RED: Address invalidName analysis was not possible: data incorrect or available for several people.
0852RED: Address incompleteIncomplete address data.
0853RED: unknownUnknown error whil checking address.
0854RED: Correct nameData error: adjust name.
0855RED: Correct addressData error: adjust address.
0856RED: invalid data typeData error: invalid data type within XML-Nachricht to Paycontrol.
0857RED: internal errorInternal error whilst interpreting creditworthiness check.
0861YELLOW: (recommendations based on a "traffic light system")Negative creditworthiness check or soft negative features for the person.
0862ROT: (recommendations based on a "traffic light system")Medium or hard negative features for the person or invalid address or incomplete.
0901Message format errorTransaction failed, Message format error
0902External System ErrorExternal System Error
0904Invalid valueTransaction failed, Invalid value
0905Processing errorThe backend system rejected the transaction.
0906External Error, see CodeExt or ErrorText for detailsExternal Error, see CodeExt or ErrorText for details
0921FTG maintenance modeMaintencance work of the Financial Transaction Gateway of the banks.
0922Bank is offlineIssuer was temporarily unavailable.
0923Invalid sender bank because of fusionCustomer's banking code was invalid due to merger between two banks.
0924Invalid sender account due to black list entryCustomer's account was not allowed due to blacklist entry. 
0925Invalid sender account due to missing dataCustomer's account was not allowed due to lacking information.
0926Internal errorInternal error within banking network.
0927MerchantTxId mismatch with PayId

Parameter MerchantTxId did not match the Computop PayID.

0928TxId missingParamter TxID was missing.
0929RedirectUrl missingParameter RedirectURL was missing.
0930Bank offline while entering PIN or TANBank was not available upon entry of PIN and TAN. 
0931Timeout due to missing PIN or TANTimeout during entry of PIN or TAN.
0932Bank message invalid online accountBank notification: the transmitted bank account did not support online banking. 
0933Transaction NOT authorizedTransaction could not be authorised.
0934Transaction status unknownFinal transaction status could not be retrieved.
0935Credit failed - Refund is pending or completed for this transactionCredit failed - Refund is pending or completed for this transaction
0940check sum incorrectDirect debit or banking transfer rejected by bank check.
0941Bank unknownDirect debit or banking transfer rejected by bank check.
0942Format invalidDirect debit or banking transfer rejected by bank check.
0943Bank not featuredDirect debit or banking transfer rejected by bank check.
0944Card locked(Card locked) Debit or transfer was denied by bank check.
0946Cancellation by userTransaction was aborted by customer, therefore rejected.
0947Account data invalidDirect debit or banking transfer was rejected.
0948Card blockedTransaction rejected due to blocked card.
0949Bank temporarily unavailableDirect debit or transfer rejected by bank.
0950Authorize failedAuthorisation failed, no further details known.
0951Capture failedCapture failed, no further details known.
0952Credit failed - Amount not allowed (too low, too high)Refund failed, no further details known.
0953Credit failedRefund failed, money Transfer is not yet completed 
0954Credit failed - Because a complaint case exists on this transactionCredit failed - Because a complaint case exists on this transaction
0955Credit failed - Refund failed as receiver account is closedCredit failed - Refund failed as receiver account is closed
0956Credit failed - The account for the counterparty is locked or inactiveCredit failed - The account for the counterparty is locked or inactive
0957Credit failed - The partial refund amount must be less than or equal to the remaining amountCredit failed - The partial refund amount must be less than or equal to the remaining amount
0958Credit failed - This transaction has already been fully refundedCredit failed - This transaction has already been fully refunded
0959Credit failed - You are over the time limit to perform a refund on this transactionCredit failed - You are over the time limit to perform a refund on this transaction
0960Credit failed - Refund is pending or completed for this transactionCredit failed - Refund is pending or completed for this transaction
0961TicketNrParameter TicketNr caused a problem
0962PassengerNr Parameter PassengerNr caused a problem
0963FlightDate Parameter FlightDate caused a problem
0964Origin1 Parameter Origin1 caused a problem
0965Destination1 Parameter Destination1 caused a problem
0966Carrier1 Parameter Carrier1 caused a problem
0970AddrState Parameter AddrState caused a problem
0971AddrStreet Parameter AddrStreet caused a problem
0972AddrHouseNr Parameter AddrHouseNr caused a problem
0973AddrCountryCode Parameter AddrCountryCode caused a problem
0974AddrZipCode Parameter AddrZipCode caused a problem
0975AddrCity Parameter AddrCity caused a problem
0976LastName Parameter LastName caused a problem
0977CompanyOrPerson Parameter CompanyOrPerson caused a problem
0978FirstName missing

Parameter FirstName caused a problem

0979Salutation missingParameter Salutation caused a problem
0980PayerIDParameter PayerID caused a problem
0981trxTypeParameter trxType caused a problem
0982ChargebackPayPal notified a chargeback.
0984VoidedPayPal (IPN) transmitted a reversed transaction.
0985PendingTransaction was not processed completely.
0986BillingAgreementIdParameter BillingAgreementId caused a problem
0987PayPalMethodParameter PayPalMethod caused a problem
0988TIDParameter TID caused a problem
0989IssuerIDParameter IssuerID caused a problem
0990LimitParameter Limit caused a problem
0991Declined by riskThe transaction was declined by acquiring bank due to fraud checks.
0992Not supportedThe feature was not supported.
0993FxCurrency Transaction failed, named parameter caused a problem.
0994Technical ErrorThe transaction failed due to a technical error in a downstream data system.
0996propertyParameter property caused a problem
0997TranstextParameter Transtext caused a problem
0999awardcodeParameter awardcode caused a problem
1000UsageAgreementParameter UsageAgreement caused a problem
1001Structural errorBackend system rejected payment due to format error.
1002CRC errorBackend system rejected payment due to security breach.
1003Flow lost during transactionFlow lost during transaction
1004No connectionNo connection
1005Error Processing CRResError Processing CRRes
1010Error Processing VEReqError Processing VEReq
1020Invalid ACS URLInvalid ACS URL
1026Invalid parameter AccDateOfRegistrationParameter AccDateOfRegistration caused a problem
1030Cardholder Not ParticipatingCardholder Not Participating
1035Cardholder Unable To AuthenticateCardholder Unable To Authenticate
1036Unsupported Cardholder Enrolled ValueUnsupported Cardholder Enrolled Value
1040Error Communicating with Visa DirectoryError Communicating with Visa Directory
1050Message reversed automaticallyMessage reversed automatically
1051Error Processing PARes, Error Response Returned By ACSError Processing PARes, Error Response Returned By ACS
1055Error Deserializing PAResError Deserializing PARes
1060Missing or Invalid PAResMissing or Invalid PARes
1070Error processing VEResError processing VERes
1075Encountered Empty VEResEncountered Empty VERes
1080Error processing PAReqError processing PAReq
1085Error processing PAReq, Display Amount Could Not Be DeterminedError processing PAReq, Display Amount Could Not Be Determined
1090Unsupported PAReq Version requested by ACSUnsupported PAReq Version requested by ACS
1100internal error (wrong card data)internal error (wrong card data)
1101Initial transaction could not be found for reversalInitial transaction could not be found for reversal
1102wrong amount for reversalwrong amount for reversal
1103Initial payment already cancelledInitial payment already cancelled
1104Only credit cards for refundsOnly credit cards for refunds
1105Wrong trace numberWrong trace number
1106Erroneous card dataErroneous card data
1107Card expiredCard expired
1108Automated reversal not possibleAutomated reversal not possible
1109Error while reading card dataError while reading card data
110ATimeout generated by userTimeout generated by user
110BUnknown functionUnknown function
110CCard not activatedCard not activated
110DCard not acceptedCard not accepted
110ECommando erroneousCommando erroneous
1110Error Persisting Verification InformationError Persisting Verification Information
1111Unknown providerUnknown provider
1112Wrong amountWrong amount
1113Please carry out diagnosisPlease carry out diagnosis
1114Transmit correct mobile numberTransmit correct mobile number
1115No mobile number (PIN printing)No mobile number (PIN printing)
1120Error Persisting Authentication InformationError Persisting Authentication Information
1125Error Persisting Transaction_Lookup InformationError Persisting Transaction_Lookup Information
1126Error Updating Transaction_Lookup InformationError Updating Transaction_Lookup Information
1130Error Persisting VERes InformationError Persisting VERes Information
1136Account does not existAccount does not exist
1140Error Persisting PARes InformationError Persisting PARes Information
1150Error Persisting PAReq InformationError Persisting PAReq Information
1160Error Persisting VEReq InformationError Persisting VEReq Information
1170Error Persisting InformationError Persisting Information
1201Configuration ErrorConfiguration Error
1202Authorization failedDeclined by mpass system
1203Transaction expiredTransaction expired
1204Customer not activeCustomer not active
1205Customer unknownCustomer unknown
1206Customer not allowedCustomer not allowed
1210AboIDParameter AboID caused a problem
1211AboActionParameter AboAction caused a problem
1212AboAmountParameter AboAmount caused a problem
1213IntervalParameter Interval caused a problem
1214ActiveParameter Active caused a problem
1230DunningDateParameter DunningDate caused a problem
1231ReturnDebitDateParameter ReturnDebitDate caused a problem
1232EventTokenParameter EventToken caused a problem
1233CustomerIdParameter CustomerId caused a problem
1234RefPayIDParameter RefPayID caused a problem
1235ContractIDParameter ContractID caused a problem
1250Logical ErrorThe backend system rejected the transaction due to a system or configuration error.
1251Technical ErrorThe backend system rejected the transaction due to a system or configuration error.
1260Security Error

The backend system rejected the transaction due to a security check: Security Error

1261Invalid CnB ParameterThe backend system rejected the transaction due to a security check: Invalid CnB Parameter
1262Invalid PasswordThe backend system rejected the transaction due to a security check: Invalid Password
1263Access deniedThe backend system rejected the transaction due to a security check: Access denied
1264NationCodeParameter NationCode caused a problem
1270InstantAuthParameter InstantAuth caused a problem
1271MultiUseIndicates whether the VAN should be able to be used multiple times up to the Maximum Auth Amount. If “false” then only a single transaction between Min and Max amounts is allowed
1272MinAmountThe minimum amount allowed to be authorised
1273MaxAmountThe maximum amount allowed to be authorised
1274MerchantCategoryCodeExact Merchant Category Code of the merchant who will process the transaction
1275MerchantCategoryNameThe general category the merchant who will process the transaction belongs to, from a predefined list
1276PercentageParameter Percentage caused a problem
1277SupportLogIdA support log ID that can be quoted to assist in troubleshooting
1280MarginParameter Margin caused a problem
1281FundingSourceSource who should be issued to.
1282QuoteValueA rate from the foreign currency exchange.
1283UserDataParameter UserData caused a problem
1284EnhancedDataParameter EnhancedData caused a problem
1285LayoutParameter Layout caused a problem
1287bdDeviceTokenParameter bdDeviceToken caused a problem
1288bdEmailParameter bdEmail caused a problem
1289bdPhoneParameter bdPhone caused a problem
1298sdDeviceTokenParameter sdDeviceToken caused a problem
1299sdPhoneParameter sdPhone caused a problem
1300CHStreetParameter CHStreet caused a problem
1301CHCountryCodeParameter CHCountryCode caused a problem
1302CHZipCodeParameter CHZipCode caused a problem
1303CHCityParameter CHCity caused a problem
1320SDFirstNameParameter SDFirstName caused a problem
1321SDLastNameParameter SDLastName caused a problem
1322SDSalutationParameter SDSalutation caused a problem
1323SDCompanyOrPersonParameter SDCompanyOrPerson caused a problem
1324SDStreetParameter SDStreet caused a problem
1325SDHouseNumber/ SDStreetNrParameter SDHouseNumber/ SDStreetNr caused a problem
1326SDCountryCodeParameter SDCountryCode caused a problem
1327SDZipcodeParameter SDZipcode caused a problem
1328SDCityParameter SDCity caused a problem
1329SDTitleParameter SDTitle caused a problem
1330BDFirstNameParameter BDFirstName caused a problem
1331BDLastNameParameter BDLastName caused a problem
1332BDSalutationParameter BDSalutation caused a problem
1333BDCompanyOrPersonParameter BDCompanyOrPerson caused a problem
1334BDStreetParameter BDStreet caused a problem
1335BDHouseNumber/ BDStreetNrParameter BDHouseNumber/ BDStreetNr caused a problem
1336BDCountryCodeParameter BDCountryCode caused a problem
1337BDZipcodeParameter BDZipcode caused a problem
1338BDCityParameter BDCity caused a problem
1339BDTitleParameter BDTitle caused a problem
1340BDStreet2Parameter BDStreet2 caused a problem
1341SDStreet2Parameter SDStreet2 caused a problem
1342SDPhoneParameter SDPhone caused a problem
1343SDMobileNoParameter SDMobileNo caused a problem
1344SDCompanyParameter SDCompany caused a problem
1345HolderNameParameter HolderName caused a problem
1346TaxNumberParameter TaxNumber caused a problem
1347BDCompanyParameter BDCompany caused a problem
1348ShopSystemParameter ShopSystem caused a problem
1349ShopSystemVersionParameter ShopSystemVersion caused a problem
1350Cardnumber / Expiry MismatchCardnumber / Expiry Mismatch
1351Cardnumber / Birthdate mismatchThe backend system rejected the transaction: Cardnumber / Birthdate mismatch
1352Not of legal ageThe backend system rejected the transaction: Not of legal age
1353BirthDateParameter BirthDate caused a problem
1354CardholderParameter Cardholder caused a problem
1355Check Transaction IdCheck Transaction Id
1356Risklevel Of Card Too HighRisklevel Of Card Too High
1357BuyerIDCodeParameter BuyerIDCode caused a problem
1358ShippingDataParameter ShippingData caused a problem
1359bdMobileNoParameter bdMobileNo caused a problem
1360KlarnaActionParameter KlarnaAction caused a problem
1361AnnualSalaryParameter AnnualSalary caused a problem
1362SocialSecurityNumberParameter SocialSecurityNumber caused a problem
1363EmailParameter Email caused a problem
1364PhoneParameter Phone caused a problem
1365LanguageParameter Language caused a problem
1366CountryParameter Country caused a problem
1367Customer not activeCustomer not active
1368Customer unknownCustomer unknown
1369Customer not allowedCustomer not allowed
1370Invalid Address DataInvalid Address Data
1371Invoice ProblemInvoice Problem
1372ReservationNrParameter ReservationNr caused a problem
1373InvoiceNrParameter InvoiceNr caused a problem
1374Klarna System ErrorKlarna System Error
1375InvoiceFlagParameter InvoiceFlag caused a problem
1376ReferenceParameter Reference caused a problem
1377OrderID1Parameter OrderID1 caused a problem
1378OrderID2Parameter OrderID2 caused a problem
1379CredNoParameter CredNo caused a problem
1380No Decision ReceivedThe backend system rejected the transaction: No Decision Received
1381Customer InsecureThe backend system rejected the transaction: Customer Insecure
1382DateOfBirthParameter DateOfBirth caused a problem
1383DateOfRegistrationParameter DateOfRegistration caused a problem
1384OrderIDParameter OrderID caused a problem
1385shAmountParameter shAmount caused a problem
1386PayTypeParameter PayType caused a problem
1387NoteParameter Note caused a problem
1388SubIDParameter SubID caused a problem
1389GoodsCategoryParameter GoodsCategory caused a problem
1390NationalityParameter Nationality caused a problem
1391AllowMarketingParameter AllowMarketing caused a problem
1392AllowCredInqParameter AllowCredInq caused a problem
1393ShoppingBasketParameter ShoppingBasket caused a problem
1394RPMethodParameter RPMethod caused a problem
1395RPNumberParameter RPNumber caused a problem
1396RPAmountParameter RPAmount caused a problem
1397MaxRiskParameter MaxRisk caused a problem
1399Risk Management SystemRisk Management System
139AInterestRateParameter InterestRate caused a problem
139BDebitPayTypeParameter DebitPayType caused a problem
139CShoppingBasketAmountParameter ShoppingBasketAmount caused a problem
139DCalculation ErrorParameter Calculation Error caused a problem
139ERateParameter Rate caused a problem
139FMonthParameter Month caused a problem
139GToken ExpiredToken Expired
139HPayment has not been completedCustomer did not complete payment
1400OptionDateParameter OptionDate caused a problem
1401OutputTypeParameter OutputType caused a problem
1402TrackingIdParameter TrackingId caused a problem
1403ParcelServiceParameter ParcelService caused a problem
1404PackstationIDParameter PackstationID caused a problem
1405NumberOfDaysParameter NumberOfDays caused a problem
1406PostponedParameter Postponed caused a problem
1407TermsAndConditionParameter TermsAndCondition caused a problem
1408BrowserSessionIdParameter BrowserSessionId caused a problem
1409CookieIdParameter CookieId caused a problem
1410BcolumnserHeaderParameter BcolumnserHeader caused a problem
1411MandateProvidedParameter MandateProvided caused a problem
1412DeviceIDParameter DeviceID caused a problem
1413CheckoutDurationParameter CheckoutDuration caused a problem
1414ShoppingDurationParameter ShoppingDuration caused a problem
1415TripDataParameter TripData caused a problem
1416TravelerListParameter TravelerList caused a problem
1417AuthResultParameter AuthResult caused a problem
1418CAVVParameter CAVV caused a problem
1419ACSIDParameter ACSID caused a problem
1420ACSIDHexParameter ACSIDHex caused a problem
1421XID3DHEXParameter XID3DHEX caused a problem
1422ECI3DParameter ECI3D caused a problem
1423ShopApiKeyParameter ShopApiKey caused a problem
1424Transaction stoppedParameter Transaction stopped caused a problem
1425MandateURLParameter MandateURL caused a problem
1426dsTransIdParameter dsTransId caused a problem
1427eciParameter eci caused a problem
1430Increment not allowedIncrement not allowed
1431TransId mismatchTransId mismatch
1434Nothing authorizedNothing authorized
1435Mandate not found or expired for MerchantId and IBANGet a new Mandate from customer
1450LanguageParameter Language caused a problem
1451CustomerIDParameter CustomerID caused a problem
1452NewCustomerParameter NewCustomer caused a problem
1453BillPayActionParameter BillPayAction caused a problem
1454GtcValueParameter GtcValue caused a problem
1455BillPayCaptureParameter BillPayCapture caused a problem
1456PhoneParameter Phone caused a problem
1457UseBillingDataParameter UseBillingData caused a problem
1458CompanyNameParameter CompanyName caused a problem
1459LegalFormParameter LegalForm caused a problem
1460OrderHistoryParameter OrderHistory caused a problem
1461BpMethodParameter BpMethod caused a problem
1462Error in AddressDataError in AddressData
1464BpBaseAmountParameter BpBaseAmount caused a problem
1465Billpay System ErrorBillpay System Error
1466BpRateCountParameter BpRateCount caused a problem
1467InstalmentDataBillpay: the data for the instalment calculcation caused a problem.
1468sdStateParameter sdState caused a problem
1469sdCompanyParameter sdCompany caused a problem
1470DistributionTypeParameter DistributionType caused a problem
1471DistributionByParameter DistributionBy caused a problem
1472CountryCodeParameter CountryCode caused a problem
1473CardProgramParameter CardProgram caused a problem
1474UsePointsParameter UsePoints caused a problem
1475PointAmountParameter PointAmount caused a problem
1476CampaignParameter Campaign caused a problem
1477TokenExtParameter TokenExt caused a problem
1478InstallmentAmountParameter InstallmentAmount caused a problem
1479InstallmentDateParameter InstallmentDate caused a problem
1480UserAgentParameter UserAgent caused a problem
1490bdAddressAdditionParameter bdAddressAddition caused a problem
1491CustomerInformationParameter CustomerInformation caused a problem
1500Invalid Field DataInvalid Field Data
1501Missing Companion DataMissing Companion Data
1502Invalid Division NumberInvalid Division Number
1505Level 3 Data invalidLevel 3 Data invalid
1506Invalid Secure Payment DataInvalid Secure Payment Data
1507Invalid Merchant Category CodeInvalid Merchant Category Code
1510Missing customer servicephoneMissing customer servicephone
1513Response InvalidResponse Invalid
1514Partial Authorization not allowedPartial Authorization not allowed
1515Duplicate TransactionDuplicate Transaction
1516Invalid CashBack AmountInvalid CashBack Amount
1517Division transaction amount limit exceededDivision transaction amount limit exceeded
1518No card recordNo card record
1519Already reversedAlready reversed
1520Amount mismatchAmount mismatch
1521Excesive PIN TryExcesive PIN Try
1522Exceeds activity count limitExceeds activity count limit
1523Cardholder requested this TRX to be stoppedCardholder requested this TRX to be stopped
1524Cardholder requested ALL recurring/installment TRX to be stoppedCardholder requested ALL recurring/installment TRX to be stopped
1525Cardholder requested ALL TRX to be stoppedCardholder requested ALL TRX to be stopped
1526New card issuedNew card issued
1527Issuer flagged account as suspected fraudIssuer flagged account as suspected fraud
1528Institution not validInstitution not valid
1529Issuer does not allow trx-typeIssuer does not allow trx-type
1531Unable to validate debit authorization recordUnable to validate debit authorization record
1532Unable to process transactionUnable to process transaction
1533Bank Account has been closedBank Account has been closed
1534Invalid AMEX CIDInvalid AMEX CID
1536Account does not existAccount does not exist
1537Declined using stand-in rulesDeclined using stand-in rules
1543LanguageParameter Language caused a problem
1550Duplication Check → Payment "already paid"Duplication Check (ContractId, InvoiceId, Amount, SplitPayment) → Payment "already paid"
1551Duplication Check → Payment "Pending"Duplication Check (ContractId, InvoiceId, Amount, SplitPayment) → Payment "Pending"
1600telbizParameter telbiz caused a problem
1601telmobilParameter telmobil caused a problem
1602telprivParameter telpriv caused a problem
1603sozversnrParameter sozversnr caused a problem
1604emailadranbParameter emailadranb caused a problem
1605emailadrsynParameter emailadrsyn caused a problem
1606emailadrtldParameter emailadrtld caused a problem
1607okvipParameter okvip caused a problem
1608okkndartParameter okkndart caused a problem
1609la1nameParameter la1name caused a problem
1610la1vornameParameter la1vorname caused a problem
1611la1strasseParameter la1strasse caused a problem
1612la1hnoParameter la1hno caused a problem
1613la1ortParameter la1ort caused a problem
1614la1plzParameter la1plz caused a problem
1615la1landParameter la1land caused a problem
1616la1gebdatParameter la1gebdat caused a problem
1617kdkndktonrParameter kdkndktonr caused a problem
1618kdinkassostandParameter kdinkassostand caused a problem
1619kdktostandParameter kdktostand caused a problem
1620kdjemkomplettgezkzParameter kdjemkomplettgezkz caused a problem
1621kdnochnichtfaellbetrParameter kdnochnichtfaellbetr caused a problem
1622kdueberfaellbetrParameter kdueberfaellbetr caused a problem
1623kdktostartdatParameter kdktostartdat caused a problem
1624kdktosperrkzParameter kdktosperrkz caused a problem
1625kdkndktoartParameter kdkndktoart caused a problem
1626kdkredlinParameter kdkredlin caused a problem
1627kdmahnstatusParameter kdmahnstatus caused a problem
1628kdkredlinauftrParameter kdkredlinauftr caused a problem
1629kdaltkndkzParameter kdaltkndkz caused a problem
1630adauftrwertParameter adauftrwert caused a problem
1631adwaehrungParameter adwaehrung caused a problem
1632adzahlungsartParameter adzahlungsart caused a problem
1633adsonderartkzParameter adsonderartkz caused a problem
1634adlieferartParameter adlieferart caused a problem
1635adanzartikelParameter adanzartikel caused a problem
1636adauftragsnrParameter adauftragsnr caused a problem
1637adratenzahlParameter adratenzahl caused a problem
1638wgdatenParameter wgdaten caused a problem
1700DeviceParameter Device caused a problem
1701KSNParameter KSN caused a problem
1702TrackEncParameter TrackEnc caused a problem
1703Invalid DeviceThe hardware serial number (device) was invalid.
1704POS Decryption failedThe track data decryption failed.
1705Trackdata invalidThe track data could not be read.
1710prodsigncertParameter prodsigncert caused a problem
1711terminalcrtParameter terminalcrt caused a problem
1712tempkeyloadcrtParameter tempkeyloadcrt caused a problem
1713suggestediksnParameter suggestediksn caused a problem
1714ProductNrParameter ProductNr caused a problem
1715LocalisationParameter Localisation caused a problem
1716Already PerformedAction already performed
1717ServiceDataParameter ServiceData caused a problem
1750EMVDataParameter EMVData caused a problem
1751POS Signature failedPOS Signature failed
1752POSTerminalIDParameter POSTerminalID caused a problem
1753MessageTypeParameter MessageType caused a problem
1754DMACKSNParameter DMACKSN caused a problem
1755DMACParameter DMAC caused a problem
1756DataKSNParameter DataKSN caused a problem
1757CCNrEncParameter CCNrEnc caused a problem
1758CCSeqNrParameter CCSeqNr caused a problem
1759dccStatusParameter dccStatus caused a problem
1760LocalDateParameter LocalDate caused a problem
1761LocalTimeParameter LocalTime caused a problem
1762ReceiptNrParameter ReceiptNr caused a problem
1763ProcessModeParameter ProcessMode caused a problem
1764EntryModeParameter EntryMode caused a problem
1765TerminalDataParameter TerminalData caused a problem
1766Track2Parameter Track2 caused a problem
1767PINParameter PIN caused a problem
1768Message Length MismatchThere is a mismatch between the length of the message and value provided in the header.
1769EndpointParameter Endpoint caused a problem
1770ProcessingCodeParameter ProcessingCode caused a problem
1771BankSortCodeParameter BankSortCode caused a problem
1772ConditionCodeParameter ConditionCode caused a problem
1774Device already existsThe parameter Device caused a problem
1801FulfillmentdateParameter Fulfillmentdate caused a problem
1802CURRENCY MISMATCHTransmitted currency did not match initial transaction.
1803INVALID PARAMETER TaxChargeAmountTransmitted tax charge amount did not match the specifications.
1804INVALID PARAMETER ChargeAmountTransmitted charge amount did not match the specifications.
1805ARTICLENR INVALIDThe article referring to the article number could not be found.
1806QUANTITY OVERRIDEThe deliver quantity exceeded the authorised quantity.
1808INVALID ORDERIDTransmitted order ID was invalid.
1809MISSING PARAM PURCHASECONTRACTIDNamed parameter was missing.
1810INVALID PARAM COUNTRYCODENamed parameter was invalid.
1811ServiceLevel in ArticleList ist ungültigTransmitted parameter did not match the specifications.
1812ShippingMethod ungültigTransmitted parameter did not match the specifications.
1815NOTHING TO REVERSEReverse was not possible, no initial authorising available.
1818order canceledAmazon reported that the order was cancelled.
1821Signature mismatchThe signature transmitted by Amazon was invalid.
1822IOPN Message already existsThe message transmitted by Amazon was received and processed already.
1830Error while GetPurchaseContractCalling the function "GetPurchaseContract" caused the error.
1831Error while SetPurchaseItemsCalling the function "SetPurchaseItems" caused the error.
1832Error while CompletePurchaseContractCalling the function "CompletePurchaseContract" caused the error.
1833PurchaseContract canceledThe order was cancelled.
1834PurchaseContract expiredThe order has expired.
1835AMAZON ALERTAmazon reported an error while processing the payment. The Amazon result code was transmitted additionally.
1836AMAZON ALERT Amazon reported a warning while processing the payment. It is recommended to check the payment manually. The Amazon result code was transmitted additionally.
1837Error while SetContractChargesCalling the funktion "SetContractCharges" caused the error.
1850ProductNameParameter ProductName caused a problem
1851RequestReasonParameter RequestReason caused a problem
1852TitleParameter Title caused a problem
1853ReasonParameter Reason caused a problem
1853BaseAmountParameter BaseAmount caused a problem
1854BaseCurrencyParameter BaseCurrency caused a problem
1855RecipientParameter Recipient caused a problem
1856QuoteIdParameter QuoteId caused a problem
1857LocalAmountParameter LocalAmount caused a problem
1858LocalCurrencyParameter LocalCurrency caused a problem
1859re-enter transactionThe transaction cannot be processed temporarily, please retry
1860InstallmentNumberParameter InstallmentNumber caused a problem
1861ExpirationParameter Expiration caused a problem
1862AccTypeParameter AccType caused a problem
1863AcceptableCardsParameter AcceptableCards caused a problem
1864RewardProgramParameter RewardProgram caused a problem
1865AuthLevelBasicParameter AuthLevelBasic caused a problem
1866MasterPassIDParameter MasterPassID caused a problem
1867TransactionIDParameter TransactionID caused a problem
1868Already AuthorizedParameter Already Authorized caused a problem
1869SuppressShippingAddressParameter SuppressShippingAddress caused a problem
1870URLOriginParameter URLOrigin caused a problem
1871LongAccessTokenParameter LongAccessToken caused a problem
1872PairingTokenParameter PairingToken caused a problem
1873PairingVerifierParameter PairingVerifier caused a problem
1874RequestedDataTypesParameter RequestedDataTypes caused a problem
1875CheckoutTokenParameter CheckoutToken caused a problem
1876CheckoutVerifierParameter CheckoutVerifier caused a problem
1877CheckoutUrlParameter CheckoutUrl caused a problem
1880Error while generate EIDError while generate EID
1881InvoiceTextParameter InvoiceText caused a problem
1882TrxIdCountParameter TrxIdCount caused a problem
1883Addata1Parameter Addata1 caused a problem
1884Insufficient fundsInsufficient funds
1885ConsentParameter Consent caused a problem
1886PurchaseCountryCodeParameter PurchaseCountryCode caused a problem
1887URLCheckoutParameter URLCheckout caused a problem
1888URLConfirmParameter URLConfirm caused a problem
1889URLTermsParameter URLTerms caused a problem
1900MandateidParameter Mandateid caused a problem
1901MandateNameParameter MandateName caused a problem
1902Debit ParameterNone of the necessary parameters was submitted.
1903Designated Date incorrectThe payment cannot be executed at the requested appointment.
1904DebitorIDParameter DebitorID caused a problem
1905TaxIDParameter TaxID caused a problem
1906ShopIdParameter ShopId caused a problem
1907InvoiceDateParameter InvoiceDate caused a problem
1908NetAmountParameter NetAmount caused a problem
1909NetAmount1Parameter NetAmount1 caused a problem
1910TaxCode1Parameter TaxCode1 caused a problem
1911TaxAmount1Parameter TaxAmount1 caused a problem
1912NetAmount2Parameter NetAmount2 caused a problem
1913TaxCode2Parameter TaxCode2 caused a problem
1914TaxAmount2Parameter TaxAmount2 caused a problem
1915NetAmount3Parameter NetAmount3 caused a problem
1916TaxCode3Parameter TaxCode3 caused a problem
1917TaxAmount3Parameter TaxAmount3 caused a problem
1918ShoppingBasketIDParameter ShoppingBasketID caused a problem
1919CreationDateParameter CreationDate caused a problem
1920DueDateParameter DueDate caused a problem
1921FSKParameter FSK caused a problem
1922custgroupParameter custgroup caused a problem
1923VatIDParameter VatID caused a problem
1924BenefitPeriodFromParameter BenefitPeriodFrom caused a problem
1925BenefitPeriodTillParameter BenefitPeriodTill caused a problem
1926DoctitleParameter Doctitle caused a problem
1927AccountIdParameter AccountId caused a problem
1928DeliveryChannelParameter DeliveryChannel caused a problem
1929AmountClassParameter AmountClass caused a problem
1930DtOfSgntrParameter DtOfSgntr caused a problem
1931MandateIDParameter MandateID caused a problem
1932MdtSeqTypeParameter MdtSeqType caused a problem
1933AccVerifyParameter AccVerify caused a problem
1934FSChannelIDParameter FSChannelID caused a problem
1935FSServiceIDParameter FSServiceID caused a problem
1936MiddleNameParameter MiddleName caused a problem
1937AddressAdditionParameter AddressAddition caused a problem
1938WorkPhoneParameter WorkPhone caused a problem
1939sdMiddleNameParameter sdMiddleName caused a problem
1940sdAddressAdditionParameter sdAddressAddition caused a problem
1941sdWorkPhoneParameter sdWorkPhone caused a problem
1942sdEMailParameter sdEMail caused a problem
1943Invalid RequestInvalid Request
1944AccessTokenParameter AccessToken caused a problem
1945OrderReferenceIdParameter OrderReferenceId caused a problem
1946TransactionIdParameter TransactionId caused a problem
1947ExpiryParameter Expiry caused a problem
1948ScopeParameter Scope caused a problem
1949Invalid Payment MethodInvalid Payment Method
1950Order has not been confirmedOrder has not been confirmed
1951Order ExpiredOrder Expired
1952Max Authorizations CapturedMax Authorizations Captured
1955Authorization ExpiredAuthorization Expired
1956Max Refunds ProcessedMax Refunds Processed
1957TokenTypeParameter TokenType caused a problem
1958ShopNameParameter ShopName caused a problem
1959ShopURLParameter ShopURL caused a problem
1960ShopSystemParameter ShopSystem caused a problem
1961IndustrySpecificTxTypeParameter IndustrySpecificTxType caused a problem
1980subMIDOld legacy API parameters are sent instead of the JSON Object for MsgVer=2.0
1981subMIDNameOld legacy API parameters are sent instead of the JSON Object for MsgVer=2.0
1982subMIDAddrCityOld legacy API parameters are sent instead of the JSON Object for MsgVer=2.0
1983subMIDAddrCountryCodeOld legacy API parameters are sent instead of the JSON Object for MsgVer=2.0
1984subMIDAddrStreetOld legacy API parameters are sent instead of the JSON Object for MsgVer=2.0
1985subMIDAddrZipOld legacy API parameters are sent instead of the JSON Object for MsgVer=2.0
1986subMIDAddrStateOld legacy API parameters are sent instead of the JSON Object for MsgVer=2.0
1990URLBackParameter URLBack caused a problem
2000Fraud Screening ErrorFraud Screening Error
2001Declined by Fraud ScreeningDeclined by Fraud Screening
2002FRAUD SCREENING NO RESPONSEBackend system (Fraud Screening) was not responding.
2003Internal Error: Unable to handle message type at this timeInternal Error: Unable to handle message type at this time
2004Message Request Format ExceptionMessage Request Format Exception
2005Internal Error: Message Response Format ExceptionInternal Error: Message Response Format Exception
2006Unsupported Message VersionUnsupported Message Version
2007Message Group DisabledMessage Group Disabled
2008System Unavailable for MaintenanceSystem Unavailable for Maintenance
2009Invalid Request Format: Invalid XMLInvalid Request Format: Invalid XML
2010Invalid Request Format: Empty RequestInvalid Request Format: Empty Request
2020Invalid Transaction PasswordInvalid Transaction Password
2021Merchant Profile is not configured with a Transaction PasswordMerchant Profile is not configured with a Transaction Password
2030Unable to process transaction with specified api versionUnable to process transaction with specified api version
2101TransDateParameter TransDate caused a problem
2102TransTimeParameter TransTime caused a problem
2201MpsModeParameter MpsMode caused a problem
2202Call SecurityCall Security
2203RegistrationDeviceParameter RegistrationDevice caused a problem
2204RegistrationIPAddrParameter RegistrationIPAddr caused a problem
2208PickupDateParameter PickupDate caused a problem
2209departureDateParameter departureDate caused a problem
2306Cut-off in progressCut-off in progress
2321Exceeds withdrawal amount limitExceeds withdrawal amount limit
2323Exceeds withdrawal frequency limitExceeds withdrawal frequency limit
2364RoleParameter Role caused a problem
2365StoreNameStoreName caused a problem
2366NatIdentNrNatIdentNr caused a problem
2367ProductIDProductID caused a problem
2368PlanIDPlanID caused a problem
2369ProgramIDProgramID caused a problem
2370TimeUnitTimeUnit caused a problem
2371DownPaymentAmountDownPaymentAmount caused a problem
2372CustomValueCustomValue caused a problem
2381Card blockedCard blocked
2382Account blocked

Account blocked

Instanea: The payer should contact their bank to determine the reason for the rejection. Maybe some kind of limit was reached or the destination IBAN needs to be added to the account holder’s trusted beneficiaries.

3021Param invalid: AddressRestriction

Param invalid: AddressRestriction

4000Error Validating Processor Id ValueError Validating Processor Id Value
4005RRes receive timeoutRRes receive timeout
4010Error Validating Acquirer Bin ValueError Validating Acquirer Bin Value
4020Error Validating Merchant Id ValueError Validating Merchant Id Value
4025Error Validating Transaction TypeError Validating Transaction Type
4030Error Validating PAN ValueError Validating PAN Value
4040Error Validating 3-D Secure Version ValueError Validating 3-D Secure Version Value
4050Error Validating Merchant PasswordError Validating Merchant Password
4070Error Validating Merchant NameError Validating Merchant Name
4080Error Validating Merchant URLError Validating Merchant URL
4090Error Validating Credit Card Expiration InformationError Validating Credit Card Expiration Information
4092Error Validating Card Number Month Expiration InformationError Validating Card Number Month Expiration Information
4093Error Validating Card Number Year Expiration InformationError Validating Card Number Year Expiration Information
4094Error Validating Card NumberError Validating Card Number
4101Message received invalidMessage received invalid
4102Message version number not supportedMessage version number not supported
4103Sent messages limit exceeded. Only used for PReqSent messages limit exceeded. Only used for PReq
4140Error Validating ACS URLError Validating ACS URL
4150Error Validating Payment ProtocolError Validating Payment Protocol
4160Error Validating Purchase.dateError Validating
4170Error Validating Purchase.xidError Validating Purchase.xid
4180Error Validating Purchase.purchAmountError Validating Purchase.purchAmount
4190Error Validating Purchase AmountError Validating Purchase Amount
4200Error Validating Purchase DescriptionError Validating Purchase Description
4201REQUIRED_ELEMENT_MISSINGrequired element missing
4202CRITICAL_MESSAGE_EXTENSION_NOT_RECOGNIZEDcritical message extension not recognized
4203FORMAT_ON_ONE_OR_MORE_ELEMENTS_INVALID_ACCORDING_SPECSformat on one or more elements is invalid according to the specs
4204DUPLICATE_DATA_ELEMENTduplicate data element
4220Merchant Not Configured to process the Credit Card Brand passedMerchant Not Configured to process the Credit Card Brand passed
4230Required Element Brand, not found in MessageRequired Element Brand, not found in Message
4240Merchant unable to process transactions, not activeMerchant unable to process transactions, not active
4243Merchant unable to process transactions, Payment Initiative configuration not foundMerchant unable to process transactions, Payment Initiative configuration not found
4245Merchant unable to process transactions, Payment Initiative not activeMerchant unable to process transactions, Payment Initiative not active
4250Error Validating Processor IdError Validating Processor Id
4260Error Validating Order NumberError Validating Order Number
4265Error Validating Transaction IdError Validating Transaction Id
4267Error Validating Message, Order Number is EmptyError Validating Message, Order Number is Empty
4268Error Validating Message, Transaction Id is EmptyError Validating Message, Transaction Id is Empty
4270Error Validating Raw AmountError Validating Raw Amount
4271Error Validating Transaction AmountError Validating Transaction Amount
4280Error Validating Currency CodeError Validating Currency Code
4282Error Validating Currency Code, Not Supported On Transaction TypeError Validating Currency Code, Not Supported On Transaction Type
4301Transaction id is not recognizedTransaction id is not recognized
4302Data decryption failureData decryption failure
4303Access denied, invalid endpointAccess denied, invalid endpoint
4304ISO code is not validISO code is not valid
4305Transaction data is not valid.Transaction data is not valid. Cardholder Account Number is not in a range belonging to Issuer.
4306Merchant category code is not valid for payment systemMerchant category code is not valid for payment system
4307Serial number is not validSerial number is not valid
4310Error parsing VERes Message ElementsError parsing VERes Message Elements
4320Invalid Critical Attribute in undefined elementInvalid Critical Attribute in undefined element
4330Error Validating Enrollment ResponseError Validating Enrollment Response
4331Error Validating Authentication StatusError Validating Authentication Status
4340Error Validating iReq CodeError Validating iReq Code
4350Error Validating Message ExtensionError Validating Message Extension
4360Error Validating Critical Message ExtensionsError Validating Critical Message Extensions
4370Error Validating MsgId Within VEReq and VERes MessagesError Validating MsgId Within VEReq and VERes Messages
4375Error Validating Recurring ValueError Validating Recurring Value
4380Error Validating Recurring Frequency ValueError Validating Recurring Frequency Value
4390Error Validating Recurring Frequency End DateError Validating Recurring Frequency End Date
4400Error Parsing PARes Message ElementsError Parsing PARes Message Elements
4402transaction timed outtransaction timed out
4403transient system failuretransient system failure
4404permanent system failurepermanent system failure
4405system connection failuresystem connection failure
4410Error Validating Vendor CodeError Validating Vendor Code
4420Error Validating PAN Value, Should Not Contain ZerosError Validating PAN Value, Should Not Contain Zeros
4430Error Validating TX.cavv Value, Should Not Be PresentError Validating TX.cavv Value, Should Not Be Present
4435Error Validating TX.cavv ValueError Validating TX.cavv Value
4440Error Validating TX.eci Value, Should Not Be PresentError Validating TX.eci Value, Should Not Be Present
4445Error Validating TX.eci ValueError Validating TX.eci Value
4450Error Validating TX.cavvAlgorithm Value, Should Not Be PresentError Validating TX.cavvAlgorithm Value, Should Not Be Present
4455Error Validating TX.cavvAlgorithm ValueError Validating TX.cavvAlgorithm Value
4460Error Validating Message IdError Validating Message Id
4470Error Validating (MsgId, Xid, Purchase.currency, Purchase.exponent, Purchase.purchAmount) Within PAReq and PARes MessagesError Validating (MsgId, Xid, Purchase.currency, Purchase.exponent, Purchase.purchAmount) Within PAReq and PARes Messages
4480Error Validating PARes IdError Validating PARes Id
4490Error Validating ISO Currency CodeError Validating ISO Currency Code
4500Error Validating ISO Currency ExponentError Validating ISO Currency Exponent
4510Error Validating TX.timeError Validating TX.time
4520Error Validating Installment ValueError Validating Installment Value
4530Error Validating Installment Value, Must Be Greater Than 1Error Validating Installment Value, Must Be Greater Than 1
4531Error Validating Payment Type valueError Validating Payment Type value
4535Error Validating IPAddress Value, Must Be FormattedError Validating IPAddress Value, Must Be Formatted
4536Error Validating ISO 3166 Country CodeError Validating ISO 3166 Country Code
4537Error Validating TransactionId valueError Validating TransactionId value
4540Error Validating PARes Id and Reference URIError Validating PARes Id and Reference URI
4550Error Validating PARes, Invalid Message.Signature.CanonicalizationMethod xmlns AttributeError Validating PARes, Invalid Message.Signature.CanonicalizationMethod xmlns Attribute
4560Error Validating PARes, Invalid Message.Signature.SignatureMethod xmlns attributeError Validating PARes, Invalid Message.Signature.SignatureMethod xmlns attribute
4570Error Validating PARes, Invalid Message.Signature.SignedInfo xmlns attributeError Validating PARes, Invalid Message.Signature.SignedInfo xmlns attribute
4580Error Validating PARes, Invalid Message.Signature xmlns attributeError Validating PARes, Invalid Message.Signature xmlns attribute
4590Error Validating PARes, Invalid Digital Signature ValueError Validating PARes, Invalid Digital Signature Value
4591Signature verification failedSignature verification failed
4600Error Validating PARes, Invalid Message.Signature.CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm AttributeError Validating PARes, Invalid Message.Signature.CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm Attribute
4610Error Validating MsgId Within CRReq and CRRes MessagesError Validating MsgId Within CRReq and CRRes Messages
4620Error Validating MsgId Within CRRes MessagesError Validating MsgId Within CRRes Messages
4630Error Validating CRRes Message, Message Not FoundError Validating CRRes Message, Message Not Found
4640Error Validating CRRes Message ElementsError Validating CRRes Message Elements
4650Error Validating CRRes, Invalid Card Start Range ValuesError Validating CRRes, Invalid Card Start Range Values
4660Error Validating CRRes, Invalid Card End Range ValuesError Validating CRRes, Invalid Card End Range Values
4670Error Validating CRRes, Invalid Card Range ActionsError Validating CRRes, Invalid Card Range Actions
4680Error Validating CRRes, Invalid Serial NumberError Validating CRRes, Invalid Serial Number
4685Error Validating CRRes, Serial Number Not FoundError Validating CRRes, Serial Number Not Found
4690Encountered and within CRRes, no action taken on the Card Range CacheEncountered and within CRRes, no action taken on the Card Range Cache
4700Error Validating CRRes, Version Element Not FoundError Validating CRRes, Version Element Not Found
4710Error Validating CRRes, Message Id Element Not FoundError Validating CRRes, Message Id Element Not Found
4720Error Validating CRRes, ThreeDSecure Element Not FoundError Validating CRRes, ThreeDSecure Element Not Found
4761Error Validating TermURLError Validating TermURL
4762Error Validating PayloadError Validating Payload
4770Error Validating AAV Control byteError Validating AAV Control byte
4780Error Validating AAV Sale AmountError Validating AAV Sale Amount
4790Error Validating AAV Sale Amount Truncation ValueError Validating AAV Sale Amount Truncation Value
4800Error Validating AAV Transaction Currency CodeError Validating AAV Transaction Currency Code
4810Error Validating Merchant Name HashError Validating Merchant Name Hash
4820Error Validating Merchant Transaction StampqError Validating Merchant Transaction Stampq
4910Authentication Data Not AvailableAuthentication Data Not Available
4911UPI: fields relevance check failedUnionPay specific error code. Present when Data fields relevance check failed
4912UPI: duplicated transaction IDUnionPay specific error code. Present when duplicated transaction ID (Transaction ID should be unique for each AReq request)
4985EMV 3DS not supported, pls. use 3DS13DS 2.0 is not supported by this card. Merchant has to follow fallback process
9000Unable to communicate with MAPS ServerUnable to communicate with MAPS Server
9010Error parsing XML ResponseError parsing XML Response
9020The server name or address could not be resolvedThe server name or address could not be resolved
9030The URL does not use a recognized protocolThe URL does not use a recognized protocol
9040HTTP(S) Request Timed Out or Invalid Timeout SpecifiedHTTP(S) Request Timed Out or Invalid Timeout Specified
9100Error Processing CRReqError Processing CRReq
9101Error Processing Message RequestError Processing Message Request
9102Error Processing Lookup Request MessageError Processing Lookup Request Message
9103Error Processing Authenticate Request MessageError Processing Authenticate Request Message
9110Unsupported PAReq Version requested by ACSUnsupported PAReq Version requested by ACS
9130Current Processing Mode Does Not Support Specified Message TypeCurrent Processing Mode Does Not Support Specified Message Type
9131System Message Does Not Support Specified Message VersionSystem Message Does Not Support Specified Message Version
9135Check Order NumberCheck Order Number
9137Payment Initiative and Message Type MismatchPayment Initiative and Message Type Mismatch
9138Payment Initiative Not Supported Under Specified Message VersionPayment Initiative Not Supported Under Specified Message Version
9139Card Type and Message Type MismatchCard Type and Message Type Mismatch
9140Message Version Not SupportedMessage Version Not Supported
9141General Authenticate Message ErrorGeneral Authenticate Message Error
9160Payment Initiative Not SupportedPayment Initiative Not Supported
9161Payment Initiative Supported, But Not EnabledPayment Initiative Supported, But Not Enabled
9201Unsupported Message TypeUnsupported Message Type

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(info) Detailed response codes (digit 5..8) are available in english, only.