Description | Beschreibung |
Here are a few standard parameters as a reference. There may be more parameters required - depending on the paymethod and your use case. | Hier finden Sie eine Übersicht der Standard-Parameter. Abhängig von der Zahlart und Ihrem Anwendungsfall werden ggf. weitere Parameter benötigt. |
- Amount
- Background
- BGColor
- BGImage
- billingDescriptor
- Capture
- CCExpiry
- CCNr
- Center
- Channel
- Code
- CodeExt
- Currency
- Custom
- CustomField[n]
- Description
- DtOfSgntr
- ErrorText
- expirationTime
- FColor
- FFace
- FSize
- industrySpecificTxType
- MandateID
- MdtSeqType
- MerchantID
- mid
- msgver
- PayID
- PaymentGuarantee
- PaymentPurpose
- PCNr
- Plain
- refnr
- ReqId
- Response
- schemeReferenceID
- SellingPoint
- Service
- Status
- Template
- TermURL
- tHeight
- TransactionId
- TransID
- tWidth
- URLBack
- URLFailure
- URLNotify
- URLSuccess
- UserData