On this form you can view and edit your profile data:


Edit profile

Here you may activate the edit mode for your user profile.


Profile sections

Your user profile consist of three setups:

  • Profile: some account data like system data (created, password expiration, last login time), firstname, lastname, email address (e.g. for password reset), ...
  • Settings: date/time and number/currency format, number of result rows, ...
  • Permissions: either view or edit your permissions depending on your user profile permissions

Profile picture

Here you may upload a personal image / picture or your company logo.

Account details

Here are some personal information like your email address which is used for password reset.

Data infos

There it's displayed when you logged in last time, when your user profile has been created, ...

Access data

The MerchantId and username assigned to your profile can not be changed.

Your password can be changed if you edit your user profile.


Profile sections

Your user profile consist of three setups:

  • Profile: some account data like system data (created, password expiration, last login time), firstname, lastname, email address (e.g. for password reset), ...
  • Settings: date/time and number/currency format, number of result rows, ...
  • Permissions: either view or edit your permissions depending on your user profile permissions

Language and time zone

  • Language: is the initial language used after login and may be changed via language dropdown on the top right of the form.
  • Time Zone: is your local time zone.

Search settings

This setting is valid for searching your payment operations/transactions.

  • Merchant preselected: in case you have multiple merchantIds assigned to your user profile you may define here your favorite to start with.
  • Number of rows: preselect standard number of rows to display, e.g. 10, 25, 50
  • On View Operations: you may either start with "Operations" (showing 1 payment process per row) or with "Transactions" (showing each transaction in a new row)


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