After logging into Merchant Portal the screen looks like this:

Some elements are:

Your profile

Here you may

  • edit your user profile, e.g. change your password, change settings like date/time/currency format and see details for your user like last login date
  • or logout and end your session in Merchant Portal

 User profile picture

If you have uploaded a personal user profile picture this will be displayed here.

Language change

Here you may select the language that is used by Merchant Portal. Currently Englisch, German and French are supported. Other languages will follow.

Collapse / expand navigation menu

You can collapse the navigation menu to extend your working area in Merchant Portal or expand the menu, again.

Navigation menu

Here the main navigation is shown.

The menu items displayed do depend on your merchant configuration and also on your user profile / permissions.

Currently feature set is not fully implemented yet. You can login with the same user credentials into Computop Analytics.

Contact, imprint

Here links to

  • Contact us
  • Information on data protection and data privacy
  • Our imprint
  • Our website

are shown.


On this page:

  • No labels