Defining filters for search

When starting to search for operations (payments) you first have to select the payments you would like to see:

View as Operations or Transactions

  • Operations show a payment process where
    • "amount authorised", "amount captured" and "amount credited" can be shown
    • the status of the payment is shown
  • Transactions show each payment transaction (e.g. authorization, capture, refund) where
    • "amount" is the amount for this specific transaction
    • the status and code are specific for this specific transaction

Merchant selection

Your MerchantId for your user may have multiple related MerchantIds (e.g. multiple MerchantIds per branch, per country, ...).

You may select a specific MerchantId or all MerchantIds for this search.

Period filter based on date / time

For this search you may either select

  • a custom data and specify a date / time for start and date / time for end of search period
  • or you can select one of the predefined periods, e.g. last hour, last 6 hours, ... this month or previous month

Payment types, currencies and amount

You can define a filter defined on

  • payment types, e.g. credit card brand, direct debit, PayPal, ...
  • currency
  • an exact amount or a range of amount from / to

Status of payment / type and status of transaction

This filter depends on Operation or Transaction view:

  • Operation View: you can select status like OK, Failed or Pending payments
  • Transaction View: you can select a dedicated action and then status like OK, Failed or Pending payments


Characterics allow you to enter specific values you are searching for, e.g. your payment reference number, specific Computop Paygate response code, ...

Additional characteristics like email address, approval code (for credit card payments), ... will be added later.

By search in "all characteristics" is searched in any possible search field which is supported.

By choosing "Add more" you may add an additional search characteristic up to 3 are possible. Then all search characteristics have to match.


On this page:


After defining all search filters finally click on "Search" to start search of payment operations / transactions.

A list of matching payments is then shown below.

(info) Number of search results is limited to 10.000 payments / transactions. If your result list is larger than this, please be more specific in your search criterias (period, payment type, characteristics, ...).

Show result list

After search has been finished the list of search results is shown like this:

Number of results and results per page

  • you can see the number of found payments / transactions
  • and specify how many rows should be displayed. The default number of displayed search results per page can be setup in your user profile.

Define colums to display

You may define the colums that should be displayed and also the sequence of columns.

Select page, previous, next page

Here you may scroll through the search results or select a dedicated page.

Search results

In this area the search results are displayed that match your search criterias you've defined above.

The columns that are displayed and their order may be changed as explained below.

Select columns and order

You may define separately columns that shall be displayed for viewing payment operations and payment transactions.

After clicking on  a new selection box will popup like this:

Visible columns order

Here the currently selected columns are shown.

By drag and drop (click on an item and keep the item clicked) you are able to move that item up and down to change the order of displayed columns.

By clicking on the x-symbol this columns will be removed from search result.

Select columns to add

The already selected / visible columns are marked with a checkmark.

You may add additional columns that are then also added to the left hand side of this table.

Save your setup

Finally you can save this setup or cancel your changes.

(info) The column setup is different for Payment Operations and Payment Transactions. So you can define different views for these different purposes.

  • No labels