Selecting a payment to view / edit

By moving the mouse on a payment row the selected row is highlighted:

Operation details

After selecting and clicking on a payment row the operation details for this payment will be displayed in a new tab / window like this:

Common information

In this section you will find common information for this payment like

  • your merchant name
  • Paygate Payment Id
  • payment status
  • and amounts for authorization, captue and refund.

Transaction list

In this section you will find each transactions that have been made for this payment with its details:

  • date / time of that action
  • type of that action, e.g. Authenticate, Authorize, Capture, Refund, ...
  • description for that transaction
  • Code
  • Currency
  • Amount

Merchant Information

In this section you will find your own information for this payment like:

  • Reference Number
  • Merchant Reference Number
  • Cardholder information text
  • ...

Payment details

In this section you will find some payment related information like:

  • credit card payments: brand, masked card number, expiration date, approval code, ...
  • direct debit payments: IBAN, bank name, ...

Information of Shopping Cart

In this section you will find the shopping cart information you have provided for this payment.

Further actions

Here you will find the most common used actions with direct access-buttons.

And also additional actions (like "delete GDPDR-relevant information").

(info) Please note that these actions depend on your merchant configuration and your personal user profile / permissions.

Customize view

All payment details are organized in blocks.

"Common Information" show some Paygate internal data and are always displayed.

Transaction details can be hidden or enabled, again. 

The other information blocks can be placed on the left or the right side according to your needs.

After you've finished your new view can be saved for future payment operations.

Close this window

As these details are opened in a new tab / new window, you may close this window here or just close the tab via browser-feature.

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