- Created by Peter Posse, last modified on 13. Feb 2023
Notice: This object is only supported with Omnipay.
Data element
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Key | Format | CND | Description | Beschreibung | |
1 | senderData | object | C | Contains information data about the payment sender | Enthält Informationen über den Sender der Zahlung |
2 | recipientData | object | C | Contains information data for the payment recipient | Enthält Informationen für den Empfänger der Zahlung |
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Key | Format | CND | Description | Beschreibung | |
1 | senderAccNum | an..34 | C | Contains the sender’s bank account number from which the funds are to be taken. Note that this is to be consistent with "srcOfFunds" and "senderAccType", i.e IBAN, RTN + Bank account or Bank account + BIC. (Note: the data must be separated by '+' and in the order specified) | Enthält die Kontonummer des Senders, von dem die Gelder genommen werden sollen. Das muss konsistent sein mit "srcOfFunds" und "senderAccType", d.h. IBAN, RTN + Bankkonteo oder Bankkonto + BIC. (Hinweis: die Daten müssen durch '+' getrennt sein und in der angegebenen Reihenfolge stehen) |
2 | senderName | an..30 | C | Contains the name of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be taken | Enthält den Namen der Person oder Firma für das Konto, von dem die Gelder genommen werden sollen |
3 | senderAddr | an..35 | C | Contains the address of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be taken | Enthält die Adresse der Person oder Firma für das Konto, von dem die Gelder genommen werden sollen |
4 | senderCity | an..25 | C | Contains the city of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be taken | Enthält den Ort der Person oder Firma für das Konto, von dem die Gelder genommen werden sollen |
5 | senderCountry | an..3 | C | Contains the country of the person or business’s account from which funds are to be taken. To be sent in number 3 Digit ISO standard. | Enthält das Land der Person oder Firma für das Konto, von dem die Gelder genommen werden sollen. Der Ländercode ist 3-stellig gemäß ISO-Standard anzugeben. |
6 | srcOfFunds | enum | C | It indicates the method used by the sender to fund a Payment of winning transaction. 01= credit 02= debit 03= prepaid 04= Cash 05= Deposit account 07 = Mobile Money account | Gibt die vom Sender verwendete Methode zur Zahlung einer Payment of winning Transaktion an. 01= credit 02= debit 03= prepaid 04= Cash 05= Deposit account 07 = Mobile Money account |
7 | senderAccType | enum | C | Describes the value sent in "SenderAccNum" 01 – RTN + Bank Account number 02 – IBAN 03 – Card account 06 – Bank account number + Bank identification code | Das beschreibt den gesendeten Wert in "SenderAccNum" 01 – RTN + Bankkontonummer 02 – IBAN 03 – Kartenkonto 06 – Bankkontonummer + Bank identification code |
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Key | Format | CND | Description | Beschreibung | |
1 | recipientName | an..30 | C | Contains the name of the recipient of the Payment of winnings transaction. Required especially for cross-border gaming payments. | Enthält den Namen des Empfängers einer Payment of winnings Transaktion. Besonders bei grenzüberschreitenden Gaming-Zahlungen erforderlich. |
BASEURL= https://www.computop-paygate.com/schemas
{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "$id": "BASEURL/paymentAddData.json", "title": "paymentAddData", "description": "Data related to Payment Transactions i.e MasterCard Payment of Winnings or VISA Direct/OCT", "type": "object", "properties": { "senderData": { "type": "object", "properties": { "senderAccNum": { "type": "string", "description": "It contains the sender’s bank account number from which the funds are to be taken. Note that this has to be consistent with (srcOfFunds) and (senderAccType) " }, "senderName": { "type": "string", "description": "It contains the name of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be taken " }, "senderAddr": { "type": "string", "description": "It contains the address of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be taken " }, "senderCity": { "type": "string", "description": "It contains the city of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be taken " }, "senderCountry": { "type": "string", "description": "It contains the country of the person or business’s account from which funds are to be taken. To be sent in number 3 Digit ISO standard " }, "srcOfFunds": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "07" ], "description": "It indicates the method used by the sender to fund a Payment: 01-credit, 02-debit, 03-prepaid, 04-cash, 05-Deposit account, 07-mobile Money account" }, "senderAccType": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "01", "02", "03", "06" ], "description": "This is the descriptor of the value sent in (senderAccNum): 01-RTN + Bank Account number, 02-Iban, 03-Card account, 06-Bank account number + Bank identification code" } }, "additionalProperties": false }, "recipientData": { "type": "object", "properties": { "recipientName": { "type": "string", "description": "It contains the name of the recipient or the Payment of winnings transaction.Required especially in cross-border gaming payments " } }, "additionalProperties": false } }, "additionalProperties": false }
{ "senderData": { "senderAccNum":"12345678ABC", "senderName":"John Doe", "senderAddr":"Altenburg 83", "senderCity":"Bamberg", "senderCountry":"276" , "srcOfFunds":"05" , "senderAccType":"06" }, "recipientData": { "recipientName": "Marie Doe" } }