Notice: This object is only supported with Omnipay.

Data element

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Contains information data about the payment sender

Enthält Informationen über den Sender der Zahlung




Contains information data for the payment recipient

Enthält Informationen für den Empfänger der Zahlung


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Contains the sender’s bank account number from which the funds are to be taken.

Note that this is to be consistent with "srcOfFunds" and "senderAccType", i.e IBAN, RTN + Bank account or Bank account + BIC.

(Note: the data must be separated by '+' and in the order specified)

Enthält die Kontonummer des Senders, von dem die Gelder genommen werden sollen.

Das muss konsistent sein mit "srcOfFunds" und "senderAccType", d.h. IBAN, RTN + Bankkonteo oder Bankkonto + BIC.

(Hinweis: die Daten müssen durch '+' getrennt sein und in der angegebenen Reihenfolge stehen)

2senderNamean..30CContains the name of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be takenEnthält den Namen der Person oder Firma für das Konto, von dem die Gelder genommen werden sollen
3senderAddran..35CContains the address of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be takenEnthält die Adresse der Person oder Firma für das Konto, von dem die Gelder genommen werden sollen
4senderCityan..25CContains the city of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be takenEnthält den Ort der Person oder Firma für das Konto, von dem die Gelder genommen werden sollen
5senderCountryan..3CContains the country of the person or business’s account from which funds are to be taken. To be sent in number 3 Digit ISO standard.Enthält das Land der Person oder Firma für das Konto, von dem die Gelder genommen werden sollen. Der Ländercode ist 3-stellig gemäß ISO-Standard anzugeben.

It indicates the method used by the sender to fund a Payment of winning transaction.

01= credit

02= debit

03= prepaid

04= Cash

05= Deposit account

07 = Mobile Money account

Gibt die vom Sender verwendete Methode zur Zahlung einer Payment of winning Transaktion an.

01= credit

02= debit

03= prepaid

04= Cash

05= Deposit account

07 = Mobile Money account


Describes the value sent in "SenderAccNum"

01 – RTN + Bank Account number

02 – IBAN

03 – Card account

06 – Bank account number + Bank identification code

Das beschreibt den gesendeten Wert in "SenderAccNum"

01 – RTN + Bankkontonummer

02 – IBAN

03 – Kartenkonto

06 – Bankkontonummer + Bank identification code


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Contains the name of the recipient of the Payment of winnings transaction.

Required especially for cross-border gaming payments.

Enthält den Namen des Empfängers einer Payment of winnings Transaktion.

Besonders bei grenzüberschreitenden Gaming-Zahlungen erforderlich.


(info) BASEURL=

  "$schema": "",
  "$id": "BASEURL/paymentAddData.json",
  "title": "paymentAddData",
  "description": "Data related to Payment Transactions i.e MasterCard Payment of Winnings or VISA Direct/OCT",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "senderData": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "senderAccNum": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "It contains the sender’s bank account number from which the funds are to be taken. Note that this has to be consistent with (srcOfFunds) and (senderAccType) "
        "senderName": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "It contains the name of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be taken "
        "senderAddr": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "It contains the address of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be taken "
        "senderCity": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "It contains the city of the person or business for the account from which funds are to be taken "
        "senderCountry": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "It contains the country of the person or business’s account from which funds are to be taken. To be sent in number 3 Digit ISO standard "
        "srcOfFunds": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
          "description": "It indicates the method used by the sender to fund a Payment:  01-credit, 02-debit, 03-prepaid, 04-cash, 05-Deposit account, 07-mobile Money account"
        "senderAccType": {
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
          "description": "This is the descriptor of the value sent in (senderAccNum): 01-RTN + Bank Account number, 02-Iban, 03-Card account, 06-Bank account number + Bank identification code"
      "additionalProperties": false
    "recipientData": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "recipientName": {
          "type": "string",
          "description": "It contains the name of the recipient or the Payment of winnings transaction.Required especially in cross-border gaming payments "
      "additionalProperties": false
  "additionalProperties": false


Sample for JSON-structure
    "senderData": {
       "senderName":"John Doe",
       "senderAddr":"Altenburg 83",
       "senderCountry":"276" ,
       "srcOfFunds":"05" ,
    "recipientData": {
        "recipientName": "Marie Doe"
Sample base64-encoded value for API-parameter