About Mobile SDK Authentication

General information about Mobile SDK Authentication

This document describes the SDK authentication method and the corresponding parameters for the request and the responses passed back. If a merchant develops an app of its own, this method is necessary so that secure authentication takes place via the interface, independently of the app. The authentication is based on a one-off token that is exchanged between and the merchant.

Further information about integration of the SDK can be found within GitHub repository at https://github.com/Computop.

Paymethods and integration

There you will find supported paymethods and details on integration.

There are currently two repositories existing:

Process flow chart

Process flow Mobile SDK Authentication


Mobile SDK authentication process

High level process overview:

  1. Mobile SDK creates authentication request to merchant’s URL endpoint
  2. Merchant’s URL endpoint generates AuthToken and AuthLabel
  3. Merchant’s URL endpoint calls interface with below defined parameters
  4. Merchant’s URL endpoint receives response
  5. Merchant’s URL endpoint responds to Mobile SDK authentication request


For the authentication request, the merchant’s endpoint should accept a POST request with Content-Type: application/json and a JSON body like this:



  "merchantID" : <_MerchantID>


The Mobile SDK expects a JSON object as response from merchant’s endpoint, so merchant’s endpoint needs to create a JSON object with attributes from the response and also the generated AuthToken and AuthLabel like this:


        "AuthToken“: <generated_token>,

        "AuthLabel": <generated_label>,

        “ExpiryDate”: <expiry_date_of_token>

        "Description": <description_from__response>,

        "Status": <status_from__response>,

        "Code": <code_from__response>



Calling the interface

In order to register a one-off token for encryption on the merchant must transmit the following parameters to via a server-to-server connection. Enter the following URL to do this:







AuthTokenan16..56MUnique token generated by merchant which is used to decrypt the payment requestEindeutiges von Händler generiertes Token, dass zur Entschlüsselung der Zahlungsanfrage verwendet wird
AuthLabelan32..64MIdentifier for the AuthToken used to decrypt the payment requestBezeichner für das verwendete AuthToken zur Entschlüsselung der Zahlungsanfrage
ExpiryDatedttmOEnd time of token validity. The maximum period of validity amounts 24 hours. If the value is not specified the token expires after 15 minutes by default.Endzeitpunkt der Gültigkeit des Tokens. Die maximale Gültigkeitsdauer beträgt 24 Stunden. Wenn der Wert nicht angegeben ist, läuft das Token standardmäßig nach 15 Minuten ab.

Parameters for authentication request






ExpiryDatedttmOEnd time of token validity. The maximum period of validity amounts 24 hours. If the value is not specified the token expires after 15 minutes by default.Endzeitpunkt der Gültigkeit des Tokens. Die maximale Gültigkeitsdauer beträgt 24 Stunden. Wenn der Wert nicht angegeben ist, läuft das Token standardmäßig nach 15 Minuten ab.

Response parameters for authentication request