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Credit card - interface via form
Chart of process flow via form interface
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MultiExcerptName | SequenceDiagram_Partner |
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Process flow of Credit card payment via form interface
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General parameters of the interface
The interface of the
form is consistently payssl.aspx for all connections. In order to make a credit card payment via Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt ENWORK MultiExcerptName Platform-Name PageWithExcerpt Wording
form, go to the following URL: Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt ENWORK MultiExcerptName Platform-Name PageWithExcerpt Wording
payssl.aspx Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt ENWORK MultiExcerptName BaseURL PageWithExcerpt Wording
This section explains the parameters which are the same for each connection. These values are always required, along with the special parameters explained in the following sections for each individual connection, e.g. GICC. The second table explains all response parameters which are also the same for all credit card connections. There are separate handbooks for credit card transactions via PagBrasil, PayU CEE and PayU LatAm connections.
Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt ENWORK MultiExcerptName Request_Intro PageWithExcerpt Reuse API
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Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt EN MultiExcerptName Request_AmountMac DisableCaching true PageWithExcerpt Reuse API
TransactionID which should be unique for each payment
Please note for some connections the different formats that are given within the specific parameters.
TransaktionsID, die für jede Zahlung eindeutig sein muss
Bitte beachten Sie bei einigen Anbindungen die abweichenden Formate, die bei den spezifischen Parametern angegeben sind.
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General parameters for credit card payments via form
Please note the additional parameter for a specific credit card integration in the section "Specific parameters"
To adapt the layout of the SSL-page to your shop you can use the following unencrypted parameters to configure colours, fonts and images:
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Table Excerpt Include static true name Background page Background type page
Language code: <de> German, <al> Albanian, <at> Austrian, <cz/cs> Czech, <dk> Danish, <en> English, <fi> Finish, <fr> French, <gr> Greek, <hu> Hungarian, <it> Italian, <jp> Japanese, <nl> Dutch, <no> Norwegian, <pl> Polish, <pt> Portuguese, <ro> Romanian, <ru> Russian, <es> Spanish, <se> Swedish, <sk> Slovakian, <sl> Slovenian, <tr> Turkey, <zh> Simplified Chinese.
No details means the language is German.
Sprachcode: <de> deutsch, <al> albanisch, <at> österreichisch, <cz/cs> tschechisch, <dk> dänisch, <en> englisch, <fi> finnisch, <fr> französisch, <gr> griechisch, <hu> ungarisch, <it> italienisch, <jp> japanisch, <nl> holländisch, <no> norwegisch, <pl> polnisch, <pt> portugiesisch, <ro> rumänisch, <ru> russisch, <es> spanisch, <se> schwedisch, <sk> slowakisch, <sl> slowenisch, <tr> türkisch, <zh> Simplified Chinese
Ohne Angabe ist die Sprache Deutsch.
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Info |
The credit card form can be highly customized by using your own template. Details are available here: Corporate PayPage and templates |
Multiexcerpt include MultiExcerptName Response_IntroURL PageWithExcerpt Reuse API
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sql | SELECT * FROM T* |
Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt EN MultiExcerptName Response_MidPayIdXidCode DisableCaching true PageWithExcerpt Reuse API
TransactionID which should be unique for each payment
Please note for some connections the different formats that are given within the specific parameters.
TransaktionsID, die für jede Zahlung eindeutig sein muss
Bitte beachten Sie bei einigen Anbindungen die abweichenden Formate, die bei den spezifischen Parametern angegeben sind.
OK or AUTHORIZED (URLSuccess) as well as FAILED (URLFailure)
OK oder AUTHORIZED (URLSuccess) sowie FAILED (URLFailure)
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In combination with PCNr: Designation of credit card brand
Please note the spelling! According to table of credit card brands!
In Verbindung mit PCNr: Bezeichnung der Kreditkartenmarke
Bitte beachten Sie die Schreibweise gemäß Tabelle der Kreditkartenmarken!
Masked card number 6X4. If you want to receive the parameter MaskedPan, please contact
, which can activate the return. Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt EN MultiExcerptName Helpdesk-Name PageWithExcerpt Wording
Maskierte Kartennummer 6X4. Wenn Sie den Parameter MaskedPan erhalten möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Support unter
, der die Rückgabe aktivieren kann. Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt DE MultiExcerptName Helpdesk-Name PageWithExcerpt DE:Wording
TransactionID which should be unique for each payment
Please note for some connections the different formats that are given within the specific parameters.
TransaktionsID, die für jede Zahlung eindeutig sein muss
Bitte beachten Sie bei einigen Anbindungen die abweichenden Formate, die bei den spezifischen Parametern angegeben sind.
In the case of 3-D Secure with Authentication Hosting (only 3-D request without authorisation): Cardholder Authentication Validation Value: Contains the digital signature for authentication with the ACS of the card issuing bank.
Bei 3-D Secure bei Authentication Hosting (nur 3-D-Abfrage ohne Autorisierung): Cardholder Authentication Validation Value: Enthält die digitale Signatur der Authentisierung am ACS der kartenausgebenden Bank.
For 3-D Secure: ACS E-Commerce indicator: defines the security level of a credit card payment via different communication paths: MOTO, SSL, Verified by Visa etc.
Bei 3-D Secure: E-Commerce Indicator des ACS: Definiert die Sicherheitsstufe einer Kreditkartenzahlung über verschiedene Kommunikationswege: MOTO, SSL, Verified by Visa etc.
for 3-D Secure Authentication Hosting:
Value | Meaning |
Y | fully authenticated (complete authentication done) |
N | not enrolled (checked, but Issuer does not participate) |
U | uneledgeble (technical error) |
A | attempt (card does not participate) |
B | bypass (bypass, only for Cardinal Commerce) |
bei 3-D Secure Authentication Hosting:
Wert | Bedeutung |
Y | fully authenticated (vollständige Authentisierung durch-geführt) |
N | not enrolled (geprüft, Issuer nimmt aber nicht teil) |
U | uneledgeble (technischer Fehler) |
A | attempt (Karte nimmt nicht teil) |
B | bypass (Umgehen, nur für Cardinal Commerce) |
For 3-D Secure in the response to URLSuccess and URLNotify: Abbreviation of payment type, e.g. SSL
Bei 3-D Secure in der Antwort an URLSuccess und URLNotify: Kürzel zur Typisierung der Zahlung, z.B. SSL
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General results parameters for URLNotify, URLSuccess and URLFailure
Please note the additional parameter for a specific credit card integration in the section "Specific parameters"
Credit card payments with separate authorisation
For credit card payments the ORDER can be separated from the subsequent authorisation and the following steps. Therefore initially the SSL credit card payment is initiated via
form or via Server-to-Server-connection like in the chapters above with an additional parameter. Later it is authorised using the interface authorize.aspx via server-to-server connection. For initialising visit the following URL: Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt ENWORK MultiExcerptName Platform-Kurz PageWithExcerpt Wording
payssl.aspx Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt ENWORK MultiExcerptName BaseURL PageWithExcerpt Wording
For Server-to-Server-connection it is the following URL:
direct.aspx Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt ENWORK MultiExcerptName BaseURL PageWithExcerpt Wording
Multiexcerpt include MultiExcerptName Request_Intro_Short PageWithExcerpt Reuse API
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sql | SELECT * FROM T* |
Submit “Order” to initialize a payment which later will be authorised via interface authorize.aspx. Please note that in combination with the used 3-D Secure method a separate setting is necessary. Please contact directly
. Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt EN MultiExcerptName Helpdesk-Name PageWithExcerpt Wording
Übergeben Sie „Order“, um eine Zahlung zu initialisieren und diese später über die Schnittstelle authorize.aspx zu autorisieren. Bitte beachten Sie, dass in Verbindung mit dem genutzten 3-D Secure-Verfahren eine separate Einstellung notwendig ist. Bitte wenden Sie sich hierzu direkt an
. Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt DE MultiExcerptName Helpdesk-Name PageWithExcerpt DE:Wording
Additional parameters for credit card payments with separate authorisation
In order to authorise a previously with TxType=Order initiated SSL credit card payment, please visit the following URL:
authorize.aspx Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt ENWORK MultiExcerptName BaseURL PageWithExcerpt Wording
Notice: Please note, that for an initial order KPN/CVC/CVV-check is not possible. For the subsequent reservation request this ID also cannot be passed on.
Multiexcerpt include MultiExcerptName Request_Intro PageWithExcerpt Reuse API
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sql | SELECT * FROM T* |
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Description of purchased goods, unit prices etc.
Beschreibung der gekauften Waren, Einzelpreise etc.
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Parameters for credit card payments via authorize.aspx
Multiexcerpt include MultiExcerptName Response_Intro PageWithExcerpt Reuse API
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Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt EN MultiExcerptName Response_MidPayIdXidCode DisableCaching true PageWithExcerpt Reuse API
Table Excerpt Include | ||||||||
Merchant’s unique reference number, which serves as payout reference in the acquirer EPA file. Please note, without the own shop reference delivery you cannot read out the EPA transaction and regarding the additional
settlement file (CTSF) we cannot add the additional payment data. Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt EN MultiExcerptName Partner-Name PageWithExcerpt Wording
Eindeutige Referenznummer des Händlers, welche als Auszahlungsreferenz in der entsprechenden Acquirer EPA-Datei angegeben wird. Bitte beachten Sie, ohne die Übergabe einer eigenen Auszahlungsreferenz können Sie die EPA-Transaktionen nicht zuordnen, zusätzlich kann das
Settlement File (CTSF) auch nicht zusätzlich angereichert werden. Multiexcerpt include SpaceWithExcerpt DE MultiExcerptName Partner-Name PageWithExcerpt DE:Wording