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Acquirers and connection

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support many different credit card connections to various acquirers / processors with different protocols.

You can find an overview of all different credit card interfaces here: Card processing EN.

Additional features (e.g. AVS (Address Verification Service), refund, 3-D Secure, ...) may depend on the specific integration.

Integration with
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In general we offer two different ways of integration:

Payment page (payssl.aspx)Direct integration (direct.aspx)
Credit card number (PAN) handling
  • Directly handled by payment page.
  • Credit card number, expiry date, CVV, ... are requested by the payment form
  • You will not get in contact with PAN, so much easier PCI DSS compliance.
  • You will receive optional a PseudoCardNumber (PcNr) as a
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    internal token to represent the PAN.
  • Your system handles PAN directly, therefore you have "full control".
  • As your system gets in contact with the credit card number (PAN) your system will be in fully PCI DSS focus.
3-D Secure handling
  • You only need to add KVP "MsgVer=2.0" to indicate that your system is ready for 3-D Secure 2.x
  • The rest (redirect to issuer bank for consumer authentication) is handled by the
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    payment page.
  • You only need to add KVP "MsgVer=2.0" to indicate that your system is ready for 3-D Secure 2.x
  • Your system has to consumer redirect to issuer bankj in case of consumer authentication
Additional data
  • Additional data can be provided via additional JSON parameters, e.g.:
    • "credentialOnFile" (for recurring payments)
    • address data (for AVS)
    • 3-D Secure policy data
Shop-/System integration
  • The payment page can be customized (logos, colors, positions, ...) to match your corporate identify using templates which can be prepared by you.
  • The consumer is redirected to the payment page to input credit card details (PAN, expiry date, CVV, ...).
  • Your shop is informed via
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    notify for result of payment process.
  • Your system has full control of the input fields for credit card details
  • The consumer is not redirected and your system gets the result of API call via direct response values
Further actions
  • After initiating the payment process you may start further actions like capture or credit/refund, cancellations, ...
  • These actions refer to a previous payment process identified by a PayId - which is fully out of PCI DSS focus.

Recommended for standard integrations - due to easy integration and simplified compliance.

  • Multiexcerpt include
    takes PAN handling for you → simplified PCI DSS handling.
  • You can customize 
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    payment page using templates.

Recommended if you need full control and you do not want a redirect of the consumer.

  • Your system will be in full PCI DSS scope.

(info) The documentation below is therefore always devided into two sections:

  • integration via payment page (payment form)
    • with common parameters to integrate
      Multiexcerpt include
      payment form
    • with parameters to customize the payment form
    • with specific parameters for the desired acquirer / processor
  • integration via Server-2-Server (direct) integration
    • with common parameters to integrate
      Multiexcerpt include
      payment form
    • with specific parameters for the desired acquirer / processor

Implementation of 3-D Secure (2.x)

Common notes to 3-D Secure

3-D Secure is a process that authenticates the card holder to ensure that the consumer using the credit card data really is the card holder.

3-D Secure shall provide abuse of credit card data - specially in ecommerce environment.

3-D Secure 1.x has been implemented and asks the card holder typically for a password with each card usage.

3-D Secure 2.x has been implemented to:

  • enable strong customer authentication (SCA) by authenticate the card holder with 2 independent factors of these 3 factors:
    • something the card holder knows, e.g. a password
    • something the card holder owns, e.g. a device (like phone to receive a token via SMS or using other OTP, token generator, ...)
    • something the card holder is, e.g. biometrics (like finger print, face-id, ...)
  • enable seemless authentication where the consumer is not authenticated and not asked to authenticate himself.

3-D Secure with
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Prepare yourself / your integration to be 3-D Secure 2.x ready - here a short overview with some technical details.

3-D Secure 1.x3-D Secure 2.x3-D Secure 2.x Sample
Depend on your integration: Payment Form ./. Server-2-Server
Payment Page / Payment Form

Your existing integration.

Just add API parameter "MsgVer=2.0", the rest is handled automatically by

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Add parameter "MsgVer=2.0" to your existing API call to start Payment Form.
Server-2-Server integration

Use KVP:

CCNrCredit card number (PAN)
CCExpiryExpiry date of the credit card
CCCVCCard verification number
CCBrandCredit card brand.

Use "card"-JSON, e.g.:

Code Block
    "securityCode": "569",
    "expiryDate": "202508",
    "cardholderName": "William Thomas",
    "number": "4111111111111111",
    "brand": "VISA"



For specific use cases
Recurring payments (initial / subsequent)Use parameter "RTF"

Change "RTF" to parameter "credentialOnFile"-JSON

Find specific use cases here: 3DS 2.0 Merchant Use-Cases



Address Verification Service (AVS)

(depending on acquirer / processor)

Use parameter

  • AddrStreet
  • AddrStreetNr
  • AddrZip
  • AddrCity
  • ....
Change address data to "address"-JSONe.g.: billingAddress=ewogICAgImNpdHkiOiAiTmV3IFlvcmsiLAogICAgImNvdW50cnkiOiB7CiAgICAgICAgImNvdW50cnlBMyI6ICJVU0EiCiAgICB9LAogICAgImFkZHJlc3NMaW5lMSI6IHsKICAgICAgICAic3RyZWV0IjogIlBhcmsgQXZlbnVlIiwKICAgICAgICAic3RyZWV0TnVtYmVyIjogIjI3MCIKICAgIH0sCiAgICAicG9zdGFsQ29kZSI6ICIxMDAxNy0yMDcwIiwKICAgICJzdGF0ZSI6ICJOWSIKfQ==
Apply for frictionless payment processing
  • not supported by 3-D Secure 1.x
  • each payment will be authenticated

Provide additional data as JSON-KVP: JSON Objects

