- Created by Admin, last modified by Computop Reviewer on 09. Apr 2021
The "View operations → Settlement files" tab allows you to search for settlement files within a given period. Settlement files show all operations of a merchant within a given period. You can export individual settlement files as a CSV table. You can export the search results as an Excel file.
Overview of the search criteria
- "Period" selection field
- "Search and Filter" button
When you click in the input fields for the date, a calendar opens in which you can select a date. When you click in the input fields for the time, you can define a time for the search.Activating the "Period" selection field
Exporting a settlement file
- Button "Export "
- File name of a settlement file
Proceed as follows to export a settlement file:
1. Activate values in the selection fields.
2. Click on the "Search and Filter" button.
→ The application verifies the values entered. If the values are invalid, a message showing the reason why will appear in red. If the values are valid, the search results will be shown.
3. Click on the required settlement file in the "File name" column.
→ The settlement file is provided as a downloadable CSV file.
You can export the search results as an Excel file for further processing. Proceed as follows to export the search results: → The application verifies the values entered. If the values are invalid, a message showing the reason why will appear in red. If the values are valid, the search results will be shown. 3. Click on the "Export " button. → The search results are issued as a CSV file ready to download.Exporting search results
Application Button
The button at the bottom allows you to jump to the corresponding page within the application. You must be logged in to jump to the corresponding page within the application.
On this page
In this section